Astrology can tell you if your chances of getting divorced are high or low, depending on your zodiac sign. Experts have revealed a ranking of the signs that separate the most and those that tend to be the most loyal in good times and bad.
When a couple joins in marriage they expect to spend the rest of their life together. However, the differences are sometimes so marked that staying united is a practically impossible task. If you believe in astrology, here are the reasons.
Although astrological compatibility can be a factor, it is not a determining factor, but when talking about probabilities there are signs that are more likely to divorce for his, her nature. Discover in the following ranking from highest to lowest, which signs are the most often separated, according to an article by BestLife.
one. Aquarius
It is the sign of the zodiac that divorces the most because it is the one who most appreciates its freedom and independence. When they feel tied, they don’t touch their hearts to cut the ties.
2. Sagittarius
The essence of adventure is never lost by Sagittarius, which is why it is rare for them to be interested in committed and traditional relationships. She ranks second because, while she can get married, she might change her mind too quickly.
3. Pisces
Third place goes to Pisces. An overly emotional sign has a tendency to run away when things get tough in the marriage. He prefers to escape so as not to feel hurt.
4. Gemini
Fourth place is Gemini for a reason: if they feel bored, they move. When routine takes over your marriage, you tend to walk away and look for something that will restore the spirit of fun.
5. Aries
Independence is very important for the life of an Aries, if he believes that they try to dominate him, he will immediately cut off the relationship.
6. Leo
Leo needs his marriage to be dynamic, fun and expressive. If it is too serious and a spark of explosion is needed, they can leave their partner.
7. Taurus
When Taurus finds the partner he wants to be with, it is difficult for him to leave her, however, if she or he does not share his values and beliefs, he can separate.
8. Scorpio
They are passionate and intense in their relationships, if they commit they do it seriously. They end their relationship if they are betrayed and there will be no force to change their mind.
9. Virgo
Virgo sees marriage as a catalyst for spiritual growth and a place where they want to feel comfortable. They are not likely to break up because they exhaust all options rather than think about giving up.
10. Capricorn
It is a sign that works hard in all aspects of your life to fulfill your commitments. If they are married, they will do what is in their power before walking away. They only leave when there is no respect or honesty.
11. Cancer
They are capable of sacrificing their needs to be well with their partner. Their priority is the home and the well-being of the family.
12. Libra
According to this ranking, Libra is the sign that least tends to divorce. He thrives together and needs to always be with someone to feel fulfilled.
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