Monday, May 20

COVID: Los Angeles School District updated its safety protocols for students and workers

Estudiantes que tuvieron contacto con una persona infectada podrán guardar una
Students who had contact with an infected person may be placed in a “modified quarantine”


Ricardo Roura

In recent days, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) updated its COVID safety protocols both for students and for their workers.

The new regulations indicate that if a student or an employee who has been in contact with a person infected with coronavirus may remain on campus under a “modified quarantine”


The update of the quarantine protocol was aligned with the instructions of the County of Los Angeles.

In this way, asymptomatic students and workers who have their complete vaccination schedule will not have to quarantine, but they will have to undergo a COVID test immediately and again on the fifth day after exposure.

Those people who recovered from a COVID case confirmed by PCR in the last 90 days and have no symptoms either they will have to quarantine.

The school population and workers who are eligible were urged to receive their booster vaccine.

TK Students-12 who are not fully vaccinated and workers who have not received their booster shots but are eligible, may remain on campus under a “modified quarantine”, or called “proof of permanence”, if certain conditions are met.

For TK students-12 are eligible for modified quarantine, must be asymptomatic, and a school staff member must confirm that both the COVID-positive person and the close contact used face masks e correctly during the entire time that the exposure occurred . A student with a face mask fit will not be eligible for modified quarantine nor will students at a school with a confirmed outbreak of coronavirus.

Students who qualify for Modified Quarantine may be on campus during the regular instructional day, but may not participate in before or after school programs, clubs, or sports . For 10 days, they must wear a surgical-grade mask or of higher quality at all times while on campus, except when eating or drinking, at which time they must remain at least 6 feet away from other people.

All individuals under Modified Quarantine will be required to monitor all of their symptoms daily and be tested for COVID twice a week. They will be able to leave the modified quarantine on the sixth day in case their tests are negative and they continue without presenting any symptoms of the disease.

Close contacts who are not exempt from quarantine or who do not meet all the criteria for a modified quarantine, they must keep isolation at home. If you receive a negative result to a coronavirus test 5 days after your exposure and have no symptoms, you may return to campus the following day.

School authorities confirmed that students who must isolate themselves at home will be able to continue with their remotely via Zoom as they did last semester.

On their website, under “frequently asked questions”, United Teachers Los Angeles said that students who test positive for coronavirus are considered to be in isolation, not quarantine, and that teachers do not need to provide Zoom access to these students.

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