Tuesday, October 8

Argentina, The Promised Sea

By: Carlos Lionel Traboulsi

Electoral urgencies in Argentina force politicians to look only in front of their noses to achieve populist effects that allow them to overcome the moment and obtain the support of the popular will at the polls that enables them to continue in power enjoying of its benefits, forgetting the responsibilities that these functions imply.

Indeed, when power is sought for power’s own sake, forgetting the true meaning and scope of Politics with capital letters, which is “the exercise of the vocation of service to others in the construction of the common good”, the poor, the needs and the suffering of the great majority are consolidated in a single response called “assistanceism”, which generates a sick circle on the manufacture of false money (inflation) irremediably condemning the loss of the future of an entire country. Urgency always leaves aside what is important.

While this is happening, we leave the exploitation of maritime resources, among others, in the hands of foreign predators, pocketing these pirates, approximately 14 one billion dollars a year in seafood that should be part of the genuine currency of the nationals.

Argentina must be aware of the resources and strategic maritime interests it has. You must know and want what you have in order to know what you can and should do. Planning on solid foundations is the path to the authentic sovereignty of a nation. We must raise awareness to achieve authentic Food Sovereignty, not declaimed, and protect national sovereignty. A clear diplomatic position and concrete actions that prevent the advance of various powers that dispute the blue territory, including Great Britain, which not only maintains illegal control by force (nuclear militarization) of the Malvinas Islands in the 21st century , Georgias and South Sandwich, but rather it advances prepo over more than one million eight hundred thousand square kilometers of sea that are Argentine, projecting itself towards the control of the Strait of Magellan and the dispute over the Antarctic territory, which will generate in the short term a great geopolitical conflict destroying in practice the MONROE doctrine (America for the Americans) which will force the United States to take a clear position on the matter and avoid a conflict of unforeseen consequences with extra-continental actors.

Argentina is a maritime country with more than six million five hundred thousand square kilometers of continental shelf and water. The South Sea is oil and gas, ocean and marine energy, fishing and aquaculture, minerals and rare earths, algae and micro algae, food, science and knowledge, innovation, recycling, tourism, added to everything that concerns nature and to the climate to generate a more human-friendly habitat. It is investment and future, but also present.

Consequently, it is necessary to carry out with political decision the tasks of elaboration, management and execution of a public policy aimed at the exploration and exploitation of maritime resources in an effective and environmentally sustainable manner, as well as to develop the linked strategic interests, such as: the naval industry for the recovery of the national merchant marine, security and defense; the aeronautical industry (planes, helicopters for various activities); port logistics, industry in general and technology in particular, artificial intelligence, metalworking, metallurgical, business, commercial and urban. You have to plan, this word that, as I explained at the beginning, is discarded by politicians in the face of electoral emergencies.

The Pandemic that is plaguing the world plus the Argentine economic pandemic, offers a great historic opportunity to make “The Promised Sea” a reality. It is essential to assume the political decision to generate a public policy that becomes a State policy. Generate an environment outside the government that, overcoming electoral urgencies, works on planning, coordinating, generating budget items and executing a global maritime and river policy for the coming years 20 years.

In the diplomatic sphere, it is essential to deepen the space for dialogue with the countries bordering the South Atlantic, both from the American and African continents, and to develop a doctrine of international compliance. that establishes: “THE SOUTH ATLANTIC FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE SOUTH”. This will allow the zone of collaboration and peace already declared by the United Nations Assembly at the appropriate time, to be used in scientific collaboration and peace between the southern coastal countries, forcing the emigration of countries that do not belong to it, such as the UK case. In 1986 by United Nations Resolution 58/11 was declared a South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone (Zpcas). Other subsequent resolutions underpinned this position and recently a new UN Resolution highlights the role of the Zpcas as a forum for increased interaction, coordination and cooperation among its member states.

The Argentine State must generate the necessary conditions, assuming in this first stage the character of a leading partner, issuing money to promote this project, which has the characteristic of quickly obtaining economic results, until it achieves the trust and investment of both national and private individuals. Foreign. The monetary issue supported by construction and development is not inflationary; Quite the contrary, exchange pesos for ships, planes, factories, production, etc. it will generate currency strength and confidence, which will make it possible to banish the popular appetite for addiction to the dollar and give a clear and serious response to the country’s external and eternal debt.

Argentina has new economic, industrial and labor opportunities, among them one of the most important is undoubtedly looking at the sea and our rivers. Admiral Segundo Storni claimed it from the beginning of the 20th century until his death. It is time to assume the role of history and make the political decision to carry it forward, without fear and with courage. We Argentines have the obligation to look at the sea with an integrating vision of our economy. There is no doubt that the world will accompany us and the United States, in particular, has a main role that it must not give up and that is to uphold the Monroe Doctrine firmly, accompanying the development of the region. A different Argentina and for everyone is possible if we agree to look at it in a new way, modifying the cultural beliefs that for decades affirmed that only the countryside will save us. Argentina is also: The promised sea.

Carlos Lionel Traboulsi is a lawyer, graduated in International Relations, Secretary of International Relations PDC of Argentina; Secretary General of the CABA Christian Democratic Party; author and promoter of the Development Model Argentina Azul. carlosltraboulsi@gmail.com; Argentina Azul YouTube channel.