Tuesday, July 2

Man declares himself anti-vaccine in Canada and loses the right to visit his son

Se trataría de la primera sentencia en Canadá que priva a un padre de sus derechos de acceso relacionados con la inmunización.
This would be the first ruling in Canada to deprive a parent of their access rights related to immunization.

Photo: Alberto Valdes / EFE

La Opinión

For: Real America News

La Opinión

A Canadian man disclosed his position against vaccines on social networks, so a judge in the province of Quebec established that he lost the right to visit his son of 12 years.

This would be the first ruling that deprives a parent of their access rights related to COVID immunization, so media outlets such as the newspaper Le Devoir publicized the event.

The decision was issued on 01 of December and suspends the father’s visitation rights until February, unless he is vaccinated.

Father temporarily denied the right to see his child on the grounds that he is unvaccinated.

These kind of stories should make even the most pro-vaccine person’s skin crawl. #cdnpoli https://t.co/kUlB8aUeqW

— Anthony Koch (@Anthony__Koch) January 12, 2022

According to reports, it is a question of a separated couple, where the mother of the child has custody and the father has rights of visit, including alternate weekends and one week during the holiday season.

However, it all came about when the father submitted a request to the court in mid-December, to obtain the modification of his visitation rights, as well as one more day with his son during the holiday season.

In response, the mother requested the suspension of her access rights after learning that she had not been vaccinated against COVID-19, in addition to calling him a “conspirator” and an “anti-vaccine” .

Given the context, the court specified that, “It would not be in the best interest of the child have contact with his father if he is not vaccinated and opposes the security measures in the current epidemiological context”.

Currently, more than 90 percent of Quebec adults are vaccinated against COVID- 19, but nevertheless , records a sharp increase in cases and hospitalizations in recent weeks.

To stop the spread of omicron, Quebec announced the 30 December the return of some restrictions, including a touch curfew and a ban on private gatherings.

Read more:
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