Thursday, September 19

VIDEO: Chiquis reveals an unpublished recording of his relationship with his mother, Jenni Rivera

Megan Negrete

The Rivera family continues to be in the eye of the hurricane and the controversies do not cease for the controversial family of Jenni Rivera, whose inheritance disputes continue after the singer passed away on December 9, 2012, so her daughter Janney Marin Rivera, better known as “Chiquis” released an unpublished video of her mother in which she reveals the relationship she had with her and how important Jenni was in her life.

In the recording, Chiquis is seen helping her famous mother to get ready for a presentation, the exact place where it happened is unknown; The images show a young Jenni Rivera looking at herself in front of the mirror while listening to her daughter speak on the phone. The “Diva de la Banda” appears in her room as she gets ready for the show and talks with the people who capture the moment with her cell phone.

The video was accompanied by an emotional message in which Chiquis Rivera recalled the strong bond that he maintained at all times with his famous mother: “I share this unpublished video that describes how long we were already and we remain a team. There I began to form the woman I am today ”, is read at the beginning of the text.

With nostalgia, Chiquis made reference to the lack of her mother and emphasized in her message that thanks to Jenni she learned to work hard: “Thank you mommy, for teaching me to work, go upside down and be productive in everything. You were a tough teacher, but I wouldn’t change a thing. Being your assistant and working alongside you was my favorite place to be. I miss you”.

The name of Jenni Rivera has become a trend again due to the conflicts that have re-emerged in her family and have been made public. It all started this week after Chiquis Rivera, the singer’s eldest daughter, revealed the alleged theft of 80 thousand dollars that existed in one of Jenni Rivera’s companies.

This embezzlement was allegedly carried out by someone close to Rosie, sister of the “Diva de la Banda ”And former executive director of the singer’s companies . However, this is only the most recent piece of a complex puzzle in which the fight for money, and specifically the millionaire inheritance left by Jenni Rivera, has played a central role in the matter.

The conflict in the Rivera family is not really new, since, since last May of 2021, its members were placed in the eye of the media hurricane after Chiquis Rivera sent an audit to his uncles Rosie and Juan Rivera, who are responsible for managing the fortune of the late band singer. After announcing the results of this administrative procedure, Chiquis declared in a video that she and her siblings were victims of a robbery of the inheritance left by their mother.

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