Friday, September 20

Octavio Ocaña's character in 'Neighbors' will continue in the series and they reveal if there will be another actor in his place

Megan Negrete

At the end of last October, the entertainment world was shocked after the sensitive death of the young actor, Octavio Ocaña, famous for the role he played as Benito, was confirmed Rivers in the Televisa series, “Necinos.”

After several hours of speculation, the Attorney General’s Office of Justice of the State of Mexico reported that the young actor lost his life after being shot in the head by a firearm. When it seemed the shot came from a pistol that he carried in his hand.

After his death was confirmed, “Neighbors” fans wondered what would happen to Benito Rivers, as he was one of the most important characters in the series that will premiere new seasons in the coming months.

Given this, the controversial Televisa host, Juan José Origel, popularly known as Pepillo, reported that the production of “Neighbors” defined the future of Benito Rivers in the coming seasons.

Without saving anything, the expert on show topics explained that Televisa will not remove Benito Rivers from history, as he will continue to appear in the broadcast, but remotely because he would be traveling.

The former driver of Ventaneando y La Oreja said that the production determined that no other actor plays the role that Octavio Ocaña had been doing, so it decided that his pe The character takes a trip and does not appear in the frame.

“The production decided that they will say that the boy is going on a trip and the girlfriend will only have contact with him by phone. ”


Juan José Origel said that he preferred that another actor take the role, but it will not be like that since he will only be present remotely and will not appear in any of the shots.

Octavio’s sister asks for help

Through her Instagram account, Bertha Ocaña asked for support of Internet users to contribute to the clarification of the case of the death of his brother, the actor of the Neighbors series: “Today I am writing to you to ask for your support; I ask you please if you have videos or photos or someone you know has taken at that time or moments later, please send them to us. We will take care of your identity and your data will be confidential “, he wrote in this social network.

The young woman also shared the specific data where they would anonymously receive the images and assured that until now the legal team of her family already has various evidences to clarify the case: “Every day we have more elements to verify that my brother did not shoot himself. Remember that your help may be essential for us or for the clarification of the events that took my brother’s life, “he said in the post.

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