Monday, October 7

The “Tamarindo Duo” is over: Alexis Vega says goodbye to Uriel Antuna

Joan Camargo

Although only the official confirmation is missing, the transfer of Uriel Antuna to is practically a fact Cruz Azul , and this means that Alexis Vega is left without his faithful companion of the “Duo Tamarindo” .

Vega shared a farewell message to Antuna on social networks and posted two photos recalling his good times at Chivas de Guadalajara.

No more tamarind duo….

– Alexis Vega (@ Alexis_Vega9) December 05, 2021

Both players built a good friendship in the Sacred Herd and strengthened the team’s attack , with a duplet that they themselves called the “Tamarindo Duo”.

“No more Dúo Tamarindo”, put Alexis Vega on his Twitter account , while in the Instagram stories he published the photos of the moment in which Antuna left a of the club in Verde Valle.

Antuna’s departure is due to an exchange that Chivas made with Cruz Azul. The player will be replaced by Piojo Alvarado.

He can interest:

Chivas turns his back on the Eagles of America and begins to negotiate with Cruz Azul

Roberto ‘Piojo’ Alvarado would be a bargaining chip between Cruz Azul and Chivas