Friday, September 20

Uber driver accused of raping passenger in Las Vegas

Acusan a chofer de Uber de violar a pasajera en Las Vegas

Photo: Matthew Horwood / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News

She fell asleep in the Uber that was transporting her and suddenly woke up when the driver was sexually assaulting her . That is the statement of a passenger in Las Vegas against Dawed Oumer Mekonene, of 30 years , who was arrested this week.

Documents from the Clark County detention facility maintain that the man remains behind bars, awaiting awaiting a court hearing on charges of sexual assault and battery Strangled to commit sexual assault.

The data does not mention an attorney defending the individual. However, they maintain that the public defender is representing him, highlights The Associated Press.

According to the arrest report, after he stopped the car to rape the passenger, the man took her to her destination, a building of apartments. Upon arrival, took her out of the car and threw her clothes and belongings . She ran for help to the complex.

The authorities managed to identify Mekonene from the searches from Uber ; They also had access to the building’s security cameras, with whose images they could see the arrival of the vehicle.

“The details described by the passenger are horrifying and we immediately We deactivated the driver, Uber said in an email sent to the Las Vegas Journal.

On its website, Uber ensures that it annually reviews the background of its drivers , both traffic and criminal matters. It adds that it uses “technology to detect problems” in this regard. In addition, the platform allows users to contact local authorities to report security problems.

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