Friday, September 13

The eruption of the Spanish volcano on the island of La Palma has ended

Vista aérea del volcán Cumbre Vieja, en la isla de La Palma.
Aerial view of the Cumbre Vieja volcano, on the island of La Palma.

Photo: JORGE GUERRERO / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE

The eruption of the volcano on the Spanish island of La Palma has ended after 85 days of activity, as confirmed on Saturday the technicians who during this time have followed the volcanic activity.

“The eruption is over,” the regional government spokesperson said at a press conference de Canarias, Julio Pérez.

The volcano started its activity last 19 September in the southern part of the Canary Island of La Palma and for more than three months has expelled tons of lava than has invaded thousands of hectares and forced the evacuation of more than 2, 000 persons.

The scientific committee gives last day of eruption the past 13 December, date on which the tremor signal stopped and all the parameters of the volcano declined.

Nevertheless, they gave a few days of margin to verify that the volcano was not reactivated , before end the eruption, but even so, the authorities insist that the emergency is not over.

The risks persist “, stated the spokesman for the Canary Islands Government, since there are still gases, ashes and heat , but they will decrease , so the outlook is positive.

Once the emergency is over, remains the reconstruction , which according to the authorities, will begin next Monday, Pérez announced, and in the first half of January some relocations of people who pe They lost their homes due to the advance of the various lava flows generated by the volcano.

The damages of the eruption show overwhelming figures: more than 1, 300 buried dwellings by the lava, in addition to agricultural, leisure and hospitality buildings and schools, as well as 73 kilometers of roads and other infrastructures such as water pipes, electricity and telephony.

The damage has been so great because it occurred the circumstance that the volcanic eruption took place in an inhabited area .

Do not miss out on reading:

– Suman 13 deceased by the eruption of the Semeru volcano in Indonesia

– Video: a new mouth opens on La Palma and seismic activity picks up

– The runoffs on La Palma have diverted the rivers on the island and endanger the coastal areas