Friday, September 20

Sylvia Pasquel reacts to Adela Micha's comment about Silvia Pinal's health: “You missed it”

Sylvia Pasquel / Adela Micha
Sylvia Pasquel / Adela Micha

Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent

Rocío García

After the controversial comment by the Mexican journalist Adela Micha, in which she assured that “ Silvia Pinal is not long in dying “, Sylvia Pasquel gave her first statements about it.

The controversy was generated last Thursday 23 of December during the live broadcast of the program ‘Me lo told Adela’, where the host talked about Silvia Pinal’s hospitalization and asked her team to prepare interviews as well as special content because, in her opinion, the death of the leading actress is very close.

Faced with the scandal, she was the first-born of the artist of 91 years who revealed during an interview for the newspaper El Universal , that Adela Micha contacted her because he was very ashamed of what happened.

“She sent me a message telling me that her words had been misinterpreted. The truth I did not know what had happened, because Adela spoke to me, interviewed me and then sent me a message telling me that she was very sorry “, he even revealed that Alejandra Guzmán was very angry .

And although until that moment he did not know what he was talking about specifically, he assured that he contacted the driver after receiving the recording that has been seen by millions of Internet users, with whom she finally found out what happened.

“They send me the video and I forwarded it to them saying: ‘yes, you went overboard, those comments are not worth it’, but I had already been interviewed.”

Silvia Pasquel

Also, the actress referred to the wave of criticism that Adela Micha has received on social networks and the detractors who have taken advantage of the moment.

“The comments up to that are not about me, but in relation to a Very unfortunate comment by Adela Micha and the hater who takes advantage of that is never lacking in order not to have the sensitivity, nor the respect for what one experiences when a family member is ill ”, Highlighting that she does not have ‘haters’ in her social networks.

Sylvia Pasquel finished assuring that her entire family will be tested for COVID next Monday 27 December , as this was the recommendation that their doctors gave them to wait for the incubation time of the virus, in case one of them has been infected.

He also confirmed that decided to definitively cancel their family Christmas dinner , because they did not want to take the risk to start a dangerous chain of infections.

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