Sunday, September 29

'I ask for a kidney so that I can have a normal life again'

Nadia Menjivar es un ejemplo de lucha. (Suministrada/Gisela Menjivar)
Nadia Menjivar is an example of struggle. (Supplied / Gisela Menjivar)

Photo: (Supplied / Gisela Menjivar) / Courtesy

Every Saturday at 8 pm Nadia Menjivar and her mother Gisela Menjivar connect to social networks to promote the new pieces of costume jewelry that Nadia sells, and to have fun with her followers when they both start singing karaoke.

Her plan has been so successful with friends and family that Nadia now enjoys her two passions, selling jewelry and karaoke by presenting weekly Nadia’s Karaoke Bling Bling.

During that time Nadia, from 20 years, forget a little the pain that haunts her daily. The young woman was diagnosed with stage 5 chronic kidney failure in February 2021. This means that your kidneys’ ability to filter waste from your bloodstream has worsened and caused your health to deteriorate.

Her diet is extremely strict and she has to take eight pills three times a day. You should also have weekly check-ups at the hospital to inject a drug against anemia.

This Christmas, while families ask for gifts materials, the Menjivar, who reside in the San Fernando Valley, only ask for health for the smallest of the household.

“I ask for a kidney to to have a normal life and a long life again, “the young woman told Real America News. “I want to be able to go out for a walk, visit my friends without fear of getting sick. I want to travel the world. ”

Gisela indicated that her daughter has been a fighter since she was born. When she was eight months pregnant she gave birth in an emergency because Nadia was in danger as a valve in her heart was not formed correctly.

Nadia Menjivar (d) and her mother Gisela are looking for an urgent kidney donor. (Supplied / Gisela Menjivar)

“In the children’s hospital they corrected her valve and from there she was fine. At the age of 2 he began to have epilepsy episodes until about seven years ago, but it is under control with medicine ”, he explained.

Gisela said that when Nadia was diagnosed with the disease she had the 11% of your kidneys working and now only 8% are working. This means you urgently need a kidney transplant.

“They say that kidney disease is the silent killer because you can see the person and they look great on the outside, but on the inside they are sick,” said Gisela.

Gisela said that a drastic change that the family has made at home is adapting to the new style of eating that Nadia leads. She cannot eat salt and must take care of the levels of potassium and phosphorus.

“I cannot give her any frozen food because it has phosphorus and that is fatal for the kidney, ”said Gisela. “Everything she eats is fresh, we can’t give her anything that is reheated in the microwave.”

Gisela explained that this Christmas for the first time Nadia had a specific diet for her dinner. This consisted of chicken breast and vegetables.

Nadia said that the thing she misses eating the most is ice cream. He would also like to try a hamburger again as well as fries and cheetos.

Unexpected gift

On Friday as the Menjivar family prepared for a safe celebration at home, they received a visit from the organization Mujeres de Hoy – dedicated to promoting the women’s empowerment— to purportedly buy costume jewelry for Nadia.

Mayra Todd (i), from the organization Mujeres de Hoy, donated $ 500 to Nadia Menjivar as a Christmas gift. (Supplied / Mayra Todd)

What mother and daughter did not expect is that the organization was there to leave her a gift Christmas of $ 552. The money was raised by the organization and a donor identified as Presumida Aguilar.

“We cannot give you a kidney, but we can give you a little of happiness with this gift “, said Mayra Todd, director of the organization.

Mother and daughter were surprised and very excited to receive the unexpected gift. Gisela said that they have never asked for money during Nadia’s illness, but this gift can help her to continue her jewelry business.

“Many thank you for all the support ”, said Nadia to the organization.

For his part, Todd said that Nadia inspires them to keep going as she is the symbol of an empowered woman.

Gisela said they won’t stop until they get the kidney for their daughter. She needs a donor kidney between 25 Y 55 years of age who has a positive blood type O.

“It is suggested that you be of this age so that It lasts longer without the need for another transplant ”, said Gisela, assuring that she and her family have already tried to be donors but none were compatible.

To learn more about the details and become a donor you can call (818) 261 – 4807 or visit:

You can follow Nadia and Gisela Menjivar on Facebok at