Friday, September 20

How to prevent heart attacks during the end of the year

Although December is a season of joy and festivity, for some people this can be extremely stressful and worrying to the point of endangering their health.

Those who have experienced a possible heart attack recommend that the signs not be ignored. Long-time research reveals that cardiac events during the winter holiday season are on the rise, with more people dying from heart attacks between 19 December and January 1 than at any other time of the year.

Lily Rocha, volunteer with the American Heart Association (AHA ), which is dedicated to promoting heart and brain health for all people, recalled when in the 2008, his 37 year-old began to have arm and chest pains while working. The insistence of a friend who was with her at the time forced her to go to the hospital.

Once the staff was admitted The doctor asked her if there was a history of heart attacks in her family and she said she wasn’t sure. He called his mother on the phone — without telling her where he was — began to ask her more specific questions about the family’s medical history.

“My mother had told me that my maternal grandfather died From a very young ‘scare’ to 37 years. And by asking him more questions, I concluded that he died of a heart attack, “said Rocha. “My uncles they have also had heart problems. ”

Dr. Gloria Monsalve, a family doctor, said that it is important for people to know their medical history in case of a critical situation to take into account bill.

Lilly Rocha, volunteer spokesperson with the AHA. (Supplied / AHA)

Especially now that people will be reuniting with family and friends again after two years of restrictions due to the covid pandemic – 19 .

The doctor indicated that there are several reasons why sudden attacks happen. This includes changing the routine, sleeping less, stress and leaving moderation in food and alcohol.

“We think that three tortillas or three more arepas will not affect our hearts, ”Monsalve said. “We are also more permissive with alcohol. We have a glass here and another there and that turns into a whole bottle. ”

Monsalve recommends that people pay more attention to chest pressure, especially if the family has a history of blood pressure, problems with diabetes and / or cholesterol.

“When you lack breath , nausea, excessive sweating, a shoulder pain radiating to the neck. You have to pay close attention to these signs ”, said Monsalve.

The doctor indicated that if the pain is persistent or if it is extremely strong pain and is not eliminated with an aspirin then it should be looked for help immediately by calling 911. In the same way, if there are changes at the level of the expression of the face that shows confusion or if there is someone who is not speaking very well and has a deviation of the face, it is a reason to call 911.

“If the pain has more time, we will have more space to talk to the doctor but it should not be prolonged for a long time. First it has to be our health ”, said Monsalve.

Prevention methods

The doctor indicated that the most important thing is not to stop taking medications during the Christmas holidays.

“This is something that is happening. Many patients come to me with high blood pressure because they tell me, ‘I just had a few cups and said I was not going to take the blood pressure medicine.’ That is not done. We will continue with the routine of our medications. We are not going to stop them “, stressed the doctor.

Second, moderation, should not be exceeded in food, especially with salty foods or with many seasonings.

“That can lead to increased blood pressure and also exacerbate heart failure,” Monsalve said. “It is a time of giving love and if we have problems and stress it doesn’t work. We are going to focus on the good and our health. There should be moderation in food, alcohol, rest and manage stress and emotions. ”

For people who have suffered covid and have pre-existing conditions are advised to pay more attention to their health. For them, their immune system is affected and if there is a history of brain or heart problems they are even more vulnerable.

“Hence the recommendation to ‘get your booster shot’. It is the best gift you can give to your families, “said the doctor.

The American Heart Association recommends the following tips to get away from stress quickly:

Count up to 10 before speaking or reacting.

Breathe slowly and deeply several times until you feel a little relaxed

Go for a walk, even if it’s just to the bathroom. This helps to break the tension and gives a chance to think things through.

Try a quick meditation or prayer to have a perspective.

If not urgent, especially with stressful emails and trolls (anonymous negative netizen) of social networks, sleep and reply the next day.

Get away from the situation for a while and handle the situation later when things have settled down.

Divide the big problems in smaller parts. Take it one step at a time instead of trying to tackle everything at once.

Relax to music or an inspirational podcast to give yourself less courage while driving.

Take a break to pet a dog, hug a loved one, or help someone.

Exercise or something active. Exercise is one of the best antidotes to stress.