Monday, September 30

WhatsApp: how to delete the chat that occupies the most memory on your phone

Traditionally WhatsApp is one of the applications that occupies a greater percentage of the storage capacity on mobile devices . The cause of this is the amount of multimedia files that accumulate over time.

This problem affects users of both phones with the Android operating system and those with Apple’s iOS .

For this reason, it is advisable to routinely perform a cleanup to remove all unimportant content that occupies valuable space in the memory of our phones.

Anticipating this situation, the application developers created a tool that makes it easier to identify this type of junk files to later be able to delete them and free up space in the terminals.

Previously, this process required the user to enter each of the chats and manually select the files they wanted to undo . However, this changed thanks to the latest updates implemented.

In Real America News we tell you how you can save memory on your device by deleting WhatsApp content that you no longer use.

How to free up space on WhatsApp?

The application incorporates a tool that facilitates the process of deleting downloaded files / Credit: Shutterstock

1- Enter the application and go to Settings (Settings), located in the upper corner right of the screen and is identified by three dots in a vertical line.

Step 1 – Credit: Personal Screenshot
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Step 1 – Credit: Personal Screenshot

2- Go to the menu of Storage and Data (Storage and Data)

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Step 2 – Credit: Personal Screenshot

3- Click on the fourth option identified as Manage storage (Manage storage).

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Step 3 – Credits: Personal Screenshot

4- In this section you can see a detailed report indicating the amount of memory space occupied by multimedia files downloaded through WhatsApp.

It also details aspects such as which of the received items have been forwarded multiple times, the chat that consumes the largest amount of memory space, to yes as which are the downloaded files of greater weight.

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Step 4 – Credits: Personal Screenshot

5- In case you want to delete content from any of the chats, it is only necessary to click on the conversation and then select, with a long touch, the files to delete.

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Step 5 – Credits: Personal Screenshot

6- The user has the ability to select all files and delete them by pressing the trash button located in the upper right corner of the screen. Through this mechanism it is possible to delete photos, videos and documents.

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Step 6 – Credit: Personal Screenshot

However, users cannot delete sent and received text messages through chats.

To delete Messages and text sent and received through chats, the user must delete each of these through the main application window, since this is the only option to delete entire conversations, whether of groups or individual chats.

It is necessary to remember that the deleted files cannot be recovered , unless they are part of the backup copies that the application performs in a automatic.

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