Sunday, September 29

“I would not stop crying”: this was the reunion of Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio after three years without seeing each other

Kate Winslet y Leonardo Di Caprio | Getty Images.
Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio | Getty Images.

Photo: VALERIE MACON / Getty Images

One of the longest-lasting friendships in Hollywood is without a doubt that of Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio , who starred in the iconic film “Titanic” in 1994 and since then they have remained very close. However, the coronavirus pandemic meant that for almost three years they could not see each other in person, something that recently changed and that the actress told in a recent interview . How was the reunion lived? Here we tell you.

In an interview with The Guardian, the Oscar winner revealed that after a long time of waiting she was finally able to meet her friend again in what he called a “heartbreaking” meeting.

“Could not stop crying “, has recognized the actress of 46 years. “ I have known him for half his life! “, added Kate Winslet, protagonist of stories such as “A Secret Passion ”And“ Beyond the mountain. ”

According to the famous one, it has been thanks to the fact that each one resides in different parts of the world (New York and London, respectively) that their reunion became increasingly difficult to specify: “We have not been able to leave our countries. Like so many friends around the world, we have missed each other due to the pandemic “.

In addition to talking about their reunion, Kate took a trip back in time and recalled what it was like to work with Leonardo DiCaprio for the movie “Titanic”: “During that filming I I turned 21 years and Leo, 22 ”recalled the actress. “It was not pleasant for any of us, but at least we were together,” he said.

After the resounding success of said film, the actors did not meet again until the filming of Revolutionary Road, where they played a married couple who were fighting for their relationship. And although they have been repeatedly questioned about a possible relationship, they have made it clear that they are just friends: “He is my great friend. We are united by for life ”, added the actress.

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