Monday, September 30

Britney Spears' brother is accused of having controlled the singer's friendships in 2004

Bryan Spears  es acusado de controlar a su hermana Britney.
Bryan Spears is accused of controlling his sister Britney.

Photo: Frank Micelotta / Getty Images

It’s been a few weeks since the #FreeBritney movement paid off and a Los Angeles judge ended the guardianship that Mr. James Spears had about his daughter. However, the controversy surrounds the family again after a Britney Spears dancer broke the silence to tell her experience and point out the famous brother’s brother, Ryan Spears, as one of the relatives who controlled and manipulated her .

Through his Instagram account, professional dancer Anthony Garza made a surprising publication where he spilled the beans about his experience being part of the team of dancers of the princess of pop. There, the young man revealed that contrary to what is believed, the singer’s father was not the only one who kept her subdued.

“People believe that the mistreatment of Britney began when her guardianship was enabled, but the abuse and seclusion began earlier,” said the young man . “When we were dancing for the“ Onyx Hotel ”tour at 2005, we were told that we would be tested for alcohol and drugs with regularly and that we should maintain as little contact as possible with Britney, ”he added.

The bomb of his story was given when Anthony pointed to Ryan Spears as one of the figures who more isolated kept the famous isolated: “One day she invited us to visit her at her apartment in New York, but her brother told us that the plans had been canceled because it would happen time with his family and that if Spears called us, we would not answer her ”, he added.

He and the group of dancers took a tremendous surprise when the next day, after having “ignored” Britney Spears on her brother’s orders, she confronted them for not having attended and found out that nothing Ryan said was true.

“Britney was furious and yelled at her brother: ‘No! you can control me! ‘ and he did apologize to us. (…) I never saw her confront her father in all the time I worked with her, ”said Garza.

In addition to these accusations against the singer’s brother, Anthony Garza also spoke about the alleged wrongful dismissal he suffered in 2011 , when he participated as a dancer in the “FemmeFatale Tour”. In this regard, he indicated that everything was the result of poor communication between his manager and Spears’ team:

“Years later I was fired from” FemmeFatale ”For having alcohol in my system. Another dancer and I went out to dinner and ordered a bottle of wine to celebrate, but only after calling our agent and making sure there would be no problem drinking (…) She was unwell because we were tested for drugs and alcohol, and we they dumped the next day after testing positive for alcohol. We would never have bought the bottle of wine if we had known what would happen ”, he concluded.

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