Sunday, September 29

5 eating habits for 2022 that will help you have a flat abdomen

Los hábitos saludables para bajar de peso y talla de pueden ofrecer resultados duraderos sin efecto rebote.
Healthy habits to lose weight and height can offer long-lasting results without rebound effect.

Photo: Andres Ayrton / Pexels

Alba Hernández

Making a few small changes to your eating routine can help you lose weight. Maintaining healthy eating habits allows the positive results in your body to be maintained in the long term. We include five habits that help you lose and control your weight.

one. Follow the rule of 50%

The consumption of fruits and vegetables is an essential part of a healthy diet. These foods are also allies to control or lose weight. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) note that most fruits and vegetables are low in calories and contain fiber, this helps prevent blood sugar spikes and makes you feel fuller.

Harvard School of Public Health recommends filling half your plate with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Harvard notes that potatoes are not recommended because of their negative effect on blood sugar.

The World Health Organization points out that the consumption of fruits and vegetables not only reduces the risk of obesity but also cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes . Adults should consume 1½ to 2 cups of fruit and 2 to 3 cups of vegetables per day.

two. Eat a breakfast rich in protein

Breakfast can help you keep your appetite under control. Especially if it is a balanced breakfast that includes protein and fiber. Protein like that of eggs, keeps you feeling full and helps reduce carbohydrate cravings . When you don’t indulge in junk food cravings, you avoid eating high in sugar, sodium, and unhealthy fats.

Maintaining a high protein diet can also prevent or reduce weight regain and help maintain muscle mass.

3. Limit sugary drinks

Sugary drinks they are the worst for your diet. They are the largest source of calories and added sugar and virtually no other nutrients. These drinks not only promote obesity, they can also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases.

Soft drinks are not the only drink rich in sugar, also energy drinks, sports drinks, fruit juices and powdered sweetened beverages.

Harvard explains that people who drink sugary beverages do not feel as full as if they had ingested the same calories from food solids, and research indicates that they also do not compensate for the high calorie content of these beverages by eating less food.

4. Eat slowly and regularly

Eat slowly and savor the food. This helps your body assimilate nutrients better and feel satisfied with less food. Penn Medicine explains that your brain takes about 20 minutes to receive the signal that your stomach is full.

Eat regularly, depending on the frequency that works best for your lifestyle. Try to eat at the same time each day, with a gap between meals of three to five hours. This will help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels as well as hunger hormones and prevent bingeing.

5. Drink lots of water

Water is a essential nutrient that the body needs to function properly; It can also help you control your weight.

Drinking water before and during meals can reduce hunger, helps increase the volume of your meals and feeling full.

At times, you could be confusing the need of water with hunger, drink some water and wait 12 minutes to see if your hunger decreases . Confusion occurs in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates both appetite and thirst.

It may interest you:

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