Friday, September 20

The US welcomed 122,000 unaccompanied minor migrants in fiscal year 2021

Miles de niños migrantes cruzan la frontera desde México a los EE.UU.
Thousands of migrant children cross the border from Mexico to the US

Photo: GUILLERMO ARIAS / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE

The United States Government sheltered more than 107, 000 minors who arrived without the company of a parent or legal guardian in the fiscal period 2021, an unprecedented figure, CBS television reported this Thursday.

The number of minors transferred to the care of the Health Department was the result of the arrival of some 122, under 18 years of age to the border of Mexico with the United States in the fiscal period that began on October 1, 2020 and concluded the past 30 September.

The government of former President Donald Trump began in March 2020 the use of a sanitary measure ia, called Title of migrants who were considered as possible carriers of the coronavirus.

The Government of President Joe Biden has continued the use of Title 42 to deny entry to undocumented migrants , but has not applied it for minors who arrive without the company of responsible adults.

These children, who can only remain in Border Patrol custody by 72 hours, they are transferred to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, a dependency of the Department of Health, and remain in shelters until relatives are found to take them under their care.

A few weeks before the inauguration of Biden in January, the shelters of the Department The Health Department reached their full capacity and the new government set up more than a dozen convention centers, military facilities and camps to house the Minor migrants.

Numerous groups that advocate for migrants denounced the conditions in some of these juvenile accommodation centers, and asked the Government to speed up the procedures to dispose of the children and close those facilities.

Just last November the immigration authorities processed almost 14, highest figure in any previous November.

Until this week, the Department of Health had in its custody some 12, 04 minors , a decrease of the 35% from the record of 22, 500 boys and girls in your care in April.

CBS, which said it obtained government figures, indicated that more than 107, 04 minors were transferred by the Department of Health to relatives or sponsors in the fiscal period 2021.

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· VIDEO: Migrant caravan seeks to arrive go to Huixtla Chiapas on its third day of march to CDMX and the US

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