Friday, September 20

Mexico promises to create a center for human identification in the face of the crisis of the disappeared

The Mexican Government promised to create a National Center for Human Identification by recognizing a crisis of more than 95, 000 missing persons and 45, unidentified bodies in mass graves and state morgues.

Only in cold stores or state plates there are 9, 400 unidentified bodies, indicated Alejandro Encinas, undersecretary of Human Rights of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) at the morning press conference in the National Palace.

The creation of a National Center for Human Identification to be able to address the backwardness in this matter that exists to establish mass identification mechanisms, the first exercises are already being carried out ”, announced the undersecretary.

The official recognized “a forensic crisis that has led to the lack of capacities to guarantee the identification of people and their return to their families.”

Faced with the problem, he presumed of “unprecedented figures” of the current Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, with about 2, 200 days of search carried out so far in 28 states and 314 municipalities.

In total, the Government has invested more than 6, 103 million pesos (about 294 million dollars) in human rights, of which more than 1, 200 million pesos (almost 58 million dollars) have been search.

“We hope to advance soon in the Human Identification Center because what we need is to take measures that allow us to address these conflicts of a strict nature. uctural, which were incubating for many years and it is being difficult to reverse them, “he said.

The undersecretary presented a report on what the López Obrador government has done in human rights up to half of his six-year term.

He admitted that “there are many pending subjects” with the argument that “the idea that things could be solved with the use of force prevailed for a long time.”

“Since the beginning of this Government, we have fully assumed our responsibility, recognizing the existence of a humanitarian crisis and violation of human rights that unfortunately deepened in the face of the absences and omissions of the State ”, Encinas added.

Among the actions highlighted by the undersecretary is the increase of 88% of beneficiaries by the protection mechanism for journalists and human rights defenders, what time does it have 493 protected communicators and 2, 011 defenders.

Even so, he acknowledged that a level of more than 88% of impunity in homicides of journalists and 45% of the attacks are by municipal authorities.

Likewise, Encinas reported that to date there have been 1, 798 requests within the Amnesty Law that López Obrador promulgated in April 2020 to free prisoners for minor crimes, in particular for abortion, petty theft or drug possession.

But so far only 1 have been analyzed, 003 applications, of which 900 have turned out to be inappropriate.

With information from Efe.

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