Friday, September 20

How to make an amulet to attract and keep money in 2022

Un amuleto de la suerte puede ayudarte a atraer y mantener el dinero todo el año.
A lucky charm can help you attract and keep money all year long.

Photo: Jp Valery / Unsplash

Every time a new year is about to begin, one of the main wishes is to have economic prosperity so that money is never needed at home. The lucky charms are one of the options if you want the universe to support you with this request.

The famous astrologer Mizada Mohamed shared how to make your own amulet, homemade and simple, to attract money and, above all, keep it in our possession . And it is that there are times that, no matter how hard we try, the cash leaves our hands very quickly.

The astrologer commented in a video who shared on his YouTube channel that this amulet, in addition to working for your own benefit, you can also prepare it as a gift for your family, friends and loved ones.

What materials to use for the money charm 2022?

Mizada Mohamed detailed that the elements to use to build your amulet to attract and keep money in 2022 are: white glue, three coins (it is important that they are of the same denomination) and a red ribbon .

How to assemble the amulet?

Being an amulet whose positive energies last throughout the year recommended doing it on the crescent moon . The next time our natural satellite is in this phase will be on January 9, 2022, so you still have time to create this amulet.

It should be noted that the talisman is only made once, so you only have one chance to transmit all your positive vibes. That is why it is important to focus and concentrate when putting it together.

Also, he said that you do not have to limit yourself to ask what you want. “Ask for abundance, much triumph, success, much prosperity” emphasized the astrologer.

It begins with rub your hands as if you were generating heat while visualizing and decreeing your wishes related to money, prosperity and abundance .

Place your hands on the coins, without touching them, and express your affirmations and decrees aloud, for example “I always have money in my house and in my person”, “I am abundance and the money always comes to me easily ”,“ I am a magnet for money ”or“ money is never needed in my wallet ”. Choose the phrase that most convinces you.

Spread glue on each of the coins and stick them on the red ribbon. They should all be with the same face up. Wait a few minutes for the glue to dry.

The charm can be placed in your wallet , behind the front door of your house, where you keep the money, the office . Finally, the astrologer recommended passing an incense once a month so that the amulet is cleaned and recharged.

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