Saturday, September 14

Find out why Capricorn is the rarest sign of the zodiac

El ciclo de Capricornio es común para concebir, pero no para los nacimientos.
The Capricorn cycle is common for conceiving, but not for births.

Photo: Claudio Schwarz / Unsplash

Of the 12 signs that comprise the horoscope, Capricorn is the least common . According to a study, fewer births occur between 21 December and 19 January, the period that covers the tenth sign, making it the rarest of the zodiac.

Although the data indicate fewer births in that period of time, there is an astrological reason that also causes there to be fewer Capricorns around the world.

The Capricorn season is the shortest in the zodiac. Covers only 29 days compared to other signs where your cycle spans 30 days or more , according to a review by, which cited information from data collected by FiveThirtyEight researchers.

According to statistics of births per day since 1994 to 2014, in the Capricorn cycle are the three least common birthdays : December 25, which is Christmas, of January when the New Year arrives in our calendar and, finally, the 24 of December, the day that celebrate Christmas Eve.

For these reasons, people ruled by the sign of the goat are not so common. This indicates that a Capricorn is less likely in a group of friends.

Capricorn season, time for conceive

According to the review, these data suggest that people are likely to conceive during the winter months, leading to births later in the year . In fact, the most common birthdays occur between the months of July and October.

The reason could be in social behavior. Starting in the month of November, the most important holidays of the year such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years begin, when people go on vacation and have more time to have babies.

The winter of Capricorn, another factor

Another factor that could explain why Capricorn is the least common sign is because its season coincides with the onset of winter. The cold weather of December and January is related to births since, when it is cold outside, people want to stay inside, and warm .

In this way, people rooted in the dedication of their work, the rules, traditions and with an enviable discipline are the rarest.

It may interest you: What are the most common zodiac signs?