Friday, September 20

Ecuador makes vaccination against COVID-19 mandatory due to the increase in infections by Ómicron

BBC News Mundo

Ecuador declared compulsory vaccination against covid – 19 given the rise in infections caused by the omicron variant, the Ministry of Health of the South American country announced.

“This decision was made due to the current epidemiological status, that is, the increase of infected and the circulation of new variants of concern, “said the Ministry through a statement this Thursday.

The regulation” obeys “that the variant spreads faster than its predecessors, the government noted.

It is unknown when it will be mandatory. The Ministry affirmed that it has the necessary reserves to immunize the entire population.

People with any medical condition or contraindication will not have to be vaccinated.

According to the Ministry, the Organic Health Law allows vaccination to be declared as a requirement for “certain diseases, under the terms and conditions that the national and local epidemiological reality requires.”

“We have relied on the laws to take these measures,” said the Minister of Health, Ximena Garzón.

“It is because we want to protect the health of all Ecuadorians.”

The minister said that they evaluate data on the possible community contagion of the omicron variant in the country.

Until this Tuesday 21 from December, 12, 4 million people had full doses of the vaccine in Ecuador, which represents e l 77, 2% of their 16 million inhabitants.

An average of 510 daily cases are reported in Ecuador in the last seven days, according to Reuters. The figure represents a 22% more than the infections registered in May , month with the highest average daily cases.

Since the beginning of the pandamia, Ecuador adds 537. 032 covid cases -19 Y 33. 597 deaths.

There was also an increase in the occupancy of beds in the centers of health. In Intensive Care Units, the percentage ranges between 24% and 77% occupancy, said the Ministry.

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