Monday, July 1

Biden says his top goal right now is fighting inflation

El presidente Biden dejó en claro que se esforzará por resolver los problemas de la cadena de suministro y la inflación.
President Biden made it clear that he will strive to solve supply chain problems and inflation.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: The Opinion

President Joe Biden said his “priority” will continue to be fighting inflation, the highest in almost 40 years in the country. In addition, he pledged to continue to address problems in the supply chain so that Americans do not have to struggle to acquire products.

This morning, I brought together my Supply Chain Task Force and business leaders for another progress update. My Administration is working every day to move goods faster, keep shelves stocked, and lower prices for Americans.

— President Biden (@POTUS) December 11, 2021

” We are making progress, but still what I have in mind and what many families have in mind is the increase in prices and costs . Addressing these costs has been and will continue to be the first priority of my administration, “said President Biden.

Joe Biden made the remarks during a meeting To address supply chain issues with representatives from the affected sectors, including representatives from the postal services company FedEx, Fred Smith, and the American Association of Port Authorities.

The meeting discussed the measures that have been taken in recent months to ensure that supermarkets will have enough products for sale during these Christmas holidays and See how this issue will be worked on in the near future.

Also, at the meeting President Biden said that packages are moving across the country, he added that “ the gifts are being delivered and the shelves s are not empty

“, he said in a statement marked by optimism, after the situation looked complicated in recent months.

In recent months, your government has announced several measures to address supply problems, such as a program to recruit truckers and spend $ 230, 000, 000 of dollars to improve the infrastructure of the country’s ports, where containers with goods enter.

Despite efforts in this area, inflation shot up considerably this year, even continuing to rise, in November it represented 6.8%, the rate highest since June 1982, at the end of the great inflationary period of the decade of the 70.

If food and fuel prices are excluded es, which are the most volatile, core year-on-year inflation was 4.9%. Controlling inflation is probably one of the Biden administration’s biggest challenges in the coming year. Experts have said that prices will stabilize at least in the middle of 2022.

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