Sunday, December 22

The type of Capricorn you are, based on your date of birth

Capricorns born in December are not the same as those born in January . Although they share general characteristics of this sign, they have different astrological features that mark an important distinction.

In astrology, sharing the zodiac sign does not mean having a similar destiny and even, equal personalities . We all have unique natal charts that vary according to the position of the planets on the exact day and time of birth.

For this reason, two people who have the same zodiac sign could be very different already that will have different rising signs, lunar, Venus, Mars, Mercury, etc.

If we only focus on the sun sign, which we regularly consult in the horoscope, even so, we could find substantial differences.

People who are Capricorn were born between the 21 of December and 19 of January , and what makes them different is a well-known astrological concept like the deans.

The deans are a system that divides each zodiac sign into three subdivisions that alter the energy of the sign and the way it expresses it.

Each sign occupies 30 degrees on the Zodiac wheel. The first decan governs the 10 first degrees, the second the second 10 degrees and the third the last 10 degrees.

Since the sun travels about one degree per day, it means that most of December Capricorns are from the first decan and most of those born in January are from the second or third decan. Capricorns of the first decan are ruled solely by Saturn, and those of the second and third decan also have Venus and Mercury as their co-ruling planets , that is the substantial difference, As explained by Bustle in an article.

Characteristics of Capricorns born in December

Capricorns born in December, being ruled solely by Saturn, embody the pure qualities of the sign of the goat. Their characteristics are typical of the Capricorn stereotype, that is, they are hard-working, serious, structured, practical and diligent .

They like to take their time to make sure things go well, they don’t rush and they are very calculating. They rarely lose their patience and never go for a shortcut, they wait at the right time.

They tend to approach things with a deeper sense of wisdom and experience, that is, they are “souls old ”. They are more given to traditions and take pride in the long road they travel to reach their goals.

Characteristics of Capricorns born in January

Being co-ruled by Venus, they are more open, outgoing and sociable . Both planets bring a friendlier energy and pragmatic vibe, allowing them to be less shy than December Capricorns.

They are more oriented towards the future, however, they are more meticulous and methodical so they have greater organizational skills.

Although they also have an authoritarian essence, they tend to be more relaxed and it is not so difficult for them to let go of things. They do not focus too much on success, but on enjoying the fruits of their work.

It may interest you: Capricorn season 2021 – 2022: when it starts and what will be its impact