Tuesday, September 17

The tragic death of a Spanish rugby player after an excellent victory

Kike Frías

By: Kike Frías

Through a statement, the Spanish Rugby Federation reported the death of its player Kawa Leauma Tuesday 21 December 2021 at night after falling from a considerable height in celebration following the victory of his away team against the Netherlands in Amsterdam .

In the letter, the organization indicated that will not give more details of the death at the request of the player’s family : “At the express wish of his wife, Who is currently traveling to the Dutch capital, at the moment we cannot give more information and we ask for the utmost respect for her and her entire family. Rest in peace, Kawa. ”

Yes Well, rugby is a high-risk sport and in which only in 2019 up to six players died from causes of the discipline itself, death found Leuma after the game and celebrating the victory.

This is how the rugby player died

The player from the club AMPO Ordizia and XV del León had a notable participation in last Saturday’s victory against the Dutch.

Of Samoan origin and therefore used to celebrating successes, Leauma came out to celebrate with the rest of the team to a nightclub where the unfortunate outcome occurred.

In the middle of the celebration the player of 32 years fell from a height of six meters and suffered a severe blow to the head that caused a head injury. In less than to a hospital in an unconscious state, without spinal cord injuries. He was operated on urgently and left under observation.

Despite the fact that the doctors who treated him gave positive signs of change at first, Leauma was never operated on again due to the trauma and died.

Spanish sport, made up of its protagonists and the organizations, issued messages of regret for the loss, as well as sent messages of condolence and affection to their family and friends.

Between the The entities that demonstrated are the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), the Spanish Football Federation, and the Royal Spanish Athletics Federation.

Patricia García, outstanding Spanish rugby player , also regretted the death of his fellow countryman and assured that Tuesday has been a “sad day” for the discipline .

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