Friday, September 20

Ómicron: how it works, what is known about it and what we need to learn from this variant

Una dosis de la vacuna de AstraZeneca contra el covid-19.
One dose of AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine – 19.

Photo: DANIEL MUNOZ / AFP / Getty Images

“Everything is more risky now because the Omicron is much more contagious ”, Emphasizes the doctor who directs the analysis laboratory of the Houston Methodist Hospital, S. Wesley Long.

The doctor, quoted by The Associated Press admits that in the last few days he has already canceled several plans to avoid being exposed to the virus.

Just a few days before Christmas, various parts of the planet see a dramatic increase in covid infections – 19 for the omicron variant , when scientists confirm that, indeed, this variant has an enormous contagion capacity. However, they are not sure if it causes a more serious disease.

Ya is the dominant variant in the United States ; last week accounted for nearly three out of four new infections .

Its spread

The propagation speed shown by Ómicron far exceeds the Delta variant ; in less than a month – three weeks – this variant is in the 80% of newly diagnosed symptomatic cases at Houston Methodist Hospital testing centers. It took Delta three months to reach the same level.

Hong Kong researchers revealed indications that Ómicron has the ability to multiply faster than Delta in the airways, but it did not multiply with the same speed deep within the lungs .

Another key factor in trying to understand the spread of Omicron is found in human behavior. Many parts of the world relaxed measures, traveled, met and resumed various activities , which coincided with the spread of this variant.


The drugs that have been used so far, although they are very useful, do not show as much protection against the new variant as they have done with previous versions.

Vaccines will protect against serious illness, hospitalization and death ”, quotes Dr. Long.

Antibodies fall naturally over time, but a booster dose raises them significantly.

Natural immunity

Like vaccination, apparently having a previous illness does not offer much protection against Omicron; However, like vaccination, it can reduce the possibility of people becoming seriously ill.

The risk of reinfection has been shown with data in South Africa and Great Britain, for example, which is much higher with Omicron.

Experts say that a greater protection in people who have previously been infected, appears when they choose to be vaccinated .

Does it cause a milder disease?

Although the first reports based on what is happening in South Africa suggest that the disease caused by this variant presents milder symptoms, the experts consider that it is too early to be able to assure it.

In addition, they ask to take into consideration that the country’s population is quite young, in addition to considering that many still have some protection from a re-infection cient with the Delta variant.

“There is a hint, and I think many of us hope that Ómicron is less serious. But I don’t think you can bet on that yet. We are talking about SARS CoV-2, a virus that has killed millions of people. ”

The claim, cited by The Associated Press, is from Dr. Jacob Lemieux, responsible for overseeing the variants for a research collaboration led by Harvard Medical School .

Those who are most at risk

If you are an older person, you have underlying conditions, if you are obese, you are more likely to develop a serious illness . I don’t think it’s different ”from the behavior that other variants have had, says Dr. Carlos del Río, from Emory University.

Experts, finally, remember that it is time to reconsider all the precautions that we already know, to prevent a contagion: in addition to the fact that getting vaccinated is essential, it is necessary to reuse indoor masks, keep distance, avoid large concentrations and keep measurements hygiene, mainly hands, already known to all.

This also interests you:

– Mexico confirms 23 cases of the Omicron variant, two weeks after reaching the country

– Biden government warns unvaccinated people about serious illness or death before Ómicron

– Report in Houston pr imera death of a patient with omicron in the United States