Friday, September 20

Instagram is also preparing to integrate NFT to its platform

Instagram explora el mundo de los Token NFT.
Instagram explores the world of NFT tokens.

Photo: Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP / Getty Images

Alexa Liendo

Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri confirmed that the social media platform is integrating into the world of digital assets and wants integrate NFT to its users.

The information was given by Mosseri in a session of questions and answers on the subject of NFT tokens. It was not an official announcement, but the advance of the intentions of the social network.

There is nothing to announce yet, but we are definitely actively exploring NFTs and how we can make them more accessible to a wider audience. I think it’s an interesting place that we can play and also a way to help creators.

Adam Mosseri

Previously, over the summer, app developer Alessandro paluzzi said on his Twitter that Instagram had plans related to NFT. The idea emerged that the social network platform worked on “collectibles” and that the publications with these objects would have an attached tag.

Instagram wants it or not, the NFTs are integrating themselves to the platform in some way, in fact there are already more than a million and a half publications with the hashtag or tag #nft. So far from 2021, total sales of NFTs soared up to $ 12 billion dollars and have been justly driven by big brands .

This integration of NFT to Instagram is probably going to lead to people to bid directly for NTFs on Instagram, as shown by some images that were leaked from an app developer.

This trend of NFT is being followed by large companies such as Coca Cola, Pepsi, NIke, Disney, Loreal, among others. And what Instagram plans, surely it is closely linked to the project of the already mentioned “metaverse”.

In his case, Instagram is owned by Facebook, a company that changed its name and logo, and is now Meta. And from then on, all the platforms that belong to Meta speak of the “metaverse” universe. Marc Zuckerberg, made it clear that his intention is to convert his company, it is a “metaverse company.”

It is estimated that Instagram currently has one two thousand million active users, monthly.

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