Saturday, September 28

Margarine is now a healthier option than butter, according to recent research

La margarina en tarrines o tubos exprimibles tiene menos grasas saturadas que la margarina en barra.
Margarine in squeeze tubs or tubes has less saturated fat than stick margarine.

Photo: Felicity Tai / Pexels

Alba Hernández

Margarines are now a better option than butter in terms of cardiovascular health, according to researchers from the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota who conducted a new study in which they compared the nutritional composition of both products, now that they are removed trans fats from margarines.

Fatty acid profiles were compared and the relevant vitamin and mineral content of 83 margarine products available in the US market in 1200 and compared to butter.

Margarine mix products contain substantially less saturated fat and cholesterol compared to butter , and contain no artificial trans fats.

It was discovered that the products of ma Smoother squeeze jars and tubs contain less saturated fat than stick margarines, making them the best nutritional choice among margarine products.

Cecily Weber, lead author of the study says the most sensible thing from the point of view of Nutritional view is to choose margarines in tubs and squeeze tubes over butter.

Butter is a product widely used to prepare different recipes, however it is rich in saturated fats that tend to increase the levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in the blood.

High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Margarine, the vegetable alternative to butter, was not a healthy fat option in the past because of its content in gr trans. handles

The Harvard School of Public Health notes that trans fats are the worst type of fat for the heart , blood vessels and the rest of the body because they increase the bad cholesterol (LDL) and reduce the good one (HDL); create inflammation related to chronic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes; contribute to insulin resistance and can have harmful health effects even in small amounts.

Trans fats are produced by heating liquid vegetable oils in a process called hydrogenation. This process makes them less prone to rancidity and also turns the oil into a solid, which makes it work like margarine or shortening. Trans fats are also naturally found in beef fat and milk fat in small amounts.

It may interest you:

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