Sunday, September 29

Interview: Taliban government ensures that all girls will go back to school

The spokesman for the almighty Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice of the Taliban Government, Mohammad Sadiq , capable of influencing the fate of Afghans, assures in an interview with Efe that the students will be able to return to schools and universities after the winter break .

The only member of the ministry authorized to speak with the The press receives Efe in his office in one of the buildings of the old Ministry of Women. On the way there are several closed doors and on one the mutilated sticker of a breastfeeding woman resists.

The decisions made in this ministry are based on a strict interpretation of the Islam passed through the filter of the conservative Afghan culture, where there is an obsession above the rest: protect the woman from the corrupted look of the man .

QUESTION: A few weeks ago this ministry issued a series of recommendations to the media, in which It was specified, among other issues, that women cannot appear in films or the type of clothing that journalists must wear on screen. Could you clarify this?

ANSWER: We distributed some principles to the media and mentioned that women, even men, should not work in movies or series that (…) They do not respect Islamic and Afghan values ​​. Women who work in the media must wear the Islamic hijab (or headscarf).

Q: About vice patrols aimed at ensuring that society complies with aspects that they consider key in Islam Like the man wearing a beard or the woman covering herself, do you strictly impose this procedure or do you only recommend it?

A: So far we have not said anything because someone cuts themselves the beard or we have threatened him. You can see my secretary, who trims his beard (…) We only explain what the Islamic legislation says.

Q: As a non-Muslim, could you explain the relationship between the beard and Islam?

A: We have several hadiths – sayings – from our prophet (Muhammad) in relation to having a beard and it is even a mandate in Islam. Science has also recently confirmed the benefits of having a beard. None of the prophets of Islam shaved (…) It is forbidden .

Q: In the previous Taliban regime between 1996 and 2001 These measures were imposed by force, is there a change in mentality?

A: I do not want to say anything about the previous Taliban government, since then I did not I was an adult, but I can say that there was a lot of propaganda against the Taliban , like they were forcibly marrying women or beating them.

Women’s rights

Q: For the West, one of the most important issues in relation to the new Taliban regime is women’s rights, if they will be able to go to the work, school, going out alone … will they have those rights?

A: The rights that Islam has granted women are not in other religions. Before Islam, girls were buried alive, women were forced to be with animals when they had their periods. Before Islam, the birth of a girl was a shame, but Islam gives perfect rights to women . Islam (…) does not use women as marketing, but gives them respect and honor. Islam has given women education and labor rights, and we want to facilitate a safe working environment for women.

Q: In their previous government, the Taliban also promised that women would work and they would have education, something that ultimately did not happen. Will the same thing happen now?

A: At that time we were at war and, except for a few, no country recognized us. The world did not allow us to build the ideal platform for women to work or receive education . Today the world also says that we must meet some points for our recognition (and) we meet those requirements.

In the Previous government (Taliban) had female workers, as in airports, and this time there are also female workers in some positions where they are required. Female work is not totally prohibited , they are invited to work in some departments.

Q: After mid-September allowed secondary school girls to go back to school, now it is said that they will be able to return after the winter break. Is this official, will it happen?

A: Based on the (Ministry of Education) I can say that schools and universities for girls will start after the winter break, and in those provinces where the time is good, (female) education will start earlier. We are working on it, to enable the way that girls’ education can begin.

Q: So After the holiday break, will the girls’ schools reopen from day one?

A: Yes, they will start.

Female work

Q: Regarding the right of women to work, will they return to the positions they had in the previous Government?

A: Currently women work in some departments and organizations, and in the future we will invite them wherever necessary. (In this ministry, the women who worked here) come once a week and sign in. This means that they were not fired and those who continue in the country we pay their salary. If we did not intend for women to work, it is possible that we would have already fired them.

We tell women: “ You are not fired, and until we enable your work environment, do not ask about your job, but we will pay you the salary “.

Q: They announced several lists of government positions, but they have not yet no woman has appeared. Will there ever be any?

A: As I said before, the ideal work environment has not yet been provided so that they appoint and hire women, that’s why women are not on the list.

Our culture and rules are different from those of other countries (…) I don’t I like my wife or sister to share a desk or a seat with other men .

P: That is not Islam, that is Pashtunwali (the strict social code of the ethnic group Pashtun, that of the Taliban).

A: This is Afghan culture, but in Islam, communication in a room alone and without any need between a man and a woman who are not close relatives is prohibited, and Afghans are committed to Islam.

Q: There are Islamic countries who have mandates.

A: Afghans are staunch Muslims compared to the rest of the world (…) we only follow the Quran and the sayings of our Prophet , (to di difference of) Islam from other countries.

Our wives are a diamond , and we will not allow others to have access to it. We will do our best to make them become doctors, engineers, teachers.

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