Monday, September 30

Fear for Ómicron makes Christmas plans change or even cancel

La variante Ómicron del coronavirus está cambiando los planes navideños en muchas partes del mundo.
The Omicron variant of the coronavirus is changing Christmas plans in many parts of the world.

Photo: TOLGA AKMEN / AFP / Getty Images

Sandra Mendoza

While the celebrations for the end of the year season in Europe have begun to be reduced, in the United States the calls to get vaccinated go up in tone . All this, for one reason only: Ómicron .

The new variant of covid – 19 looms like a shadow of threat in the second Christmas season under pandemic , to the frustration of many who hoped that this would allow much more than what was allowed last year, and with it give the economy a new boost.

On Friday, Scotland and Wales will pledged to contribute millions of pounds to companies that have been affected by the latest wave of infections in Britain.

Contagions and pressure

This measure puts more pressure on the shoulders of the prime minister, Boris Johnson , as there are many who ask that he do the same in England.

Rishi Sunak, Secretary of the Treasury of the United Kingdom , has had meetings with representatives of companies, who have been clear in their demand for greater support.

The businessmen also denounced a “furtive confinement” , by means of which the government asks people to reduce social activities as much as possible, although the norms are not, at least officially, as strict as they have been in other moments of the pandemic.

In Denmark, authorities closed rooms of concerts, theaters, museums and amusement parks to combat the rapid spread that has been reported.

The case of the United States

On this side of the Atlantic, the government President Biden has not tightened the restrictions, but he has posed dire scenarios with which he hopes that those who have not done still get vaccinated .

Quoted by The Associated Press, Jeff Zients , coordinator of the White House response to the coronavirus, has called urgently: “For those who are not vaccinated, a winter of serious illness and death awaits you and your families. His decision will also contribute to the saturation of the hospitals soon. ”

Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York, assures that Ómicron is already “in full swing” in the city.

We’re taking six approaches to aggressively fight # Omicron. @ NYCHealthCommr issued a new advisory calling on New Yorkers to take steps to prevent spread: get vaccinated and boosted now, mask up in all public and indoor settings, get tested and stay home if sick.

— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) December 12, 2021

Thursday, cases reached a daily record , exceeding 8, 300 infections. Fortunately, however, hospitalizations and deaths so far are well below the peak observed in the spring of 2020. Also below the figure for this same time last year.

Do not miss out on reading:

– Omicron cases are reported in 44 states as cases increase covid – 19 in the US

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