Monday, September 30

Border agents detain more than 173,000 undocumented immigrants in November

Un niño y un padre de Honduras son detenidos por agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos cerca de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.
A Honduran child and parent are detained by US Border Patrol agents near the US-Mexico border .

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: The Opinion

Customs and Border Protection Agents from the United States arrested more than 127. 000 undocumented immigrants at the border with Mexico last month , an increase of more than 5 percent, after three consecutive months in decline, the agency announced Friday.

The number of arrests had gradually decreased , after exceeding 173, 593 arrests in July, the highest in a single month for at least 21 years. However, the totals are still huge compared to previous years.

The 173, 620 arrests made in November are more than double the 72, 100 reported in November 2020

and more than four times the 21, 643 arrests reported in the same month of 2019.

According to CBP, 127, 653 of the so-called “unique individuals” were detained at the border in November, an increase of 10 percent since October, which means that thousands were caught in at least their second attempt to enter to the US

The agency also said that a quarter of the 173. 620 detainees had had at least one previous encounter with CBP in the 12 previous months.

Two-thirds of detainees were single adults, while the number of unaccompanied minors detained increased by more than 9 percent to 13, 959.

According to the Washington Post, border agents arrested more than 20, 000 migrants from Venezuela, an increase of the 54 percent since October.

The number of detained Cuban and Guatemalan migrants also increased by approximately one 12 percent and a 47%, respectively.

About half of the 173,600 persons arrested last month were deported to their home countries or returned to Mexico, under the public health authority of Title 42 intended to prevent spread of COVID – 19.

The November arrest numbers come a week after the Biden administration reinstated the Trump-era policy of “Stay in Mexico,” which requires that Asylum seekers trying to enter the United States across the southern border wait in Mexico until their cases are heard.

The administration tried to block the program several times this year or, despite admitting that it may have helped decrease the number of border crossings by undocumented persons.

After reaching an agreement with Mexico on the Reinstatement of “Remain in Mexico”, the US relaunched the policy last week with several changes, including the offer of COVID vaccines – 19 to all eligible migrants, a vaccination requirement to re-enter the United States.

A commitment to complete asylum procedures within six months after a person’s return to Mexico, and the provision of more opportunities for asylum seekers to obtain legal advice.

One of the infamous protocols of former President Donald Trump’s policy was to separate families at the border as a deterrent to others traveling north.

On December 9, the Department of Security N National issued a public request, asking the American people to make recommendations on how the government can avoid that policy.

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