Friday, September 20

It's wise to change your mind, and vaccine skeptics in Eastern Europe know it

Vacunación contra el covid-19 en Bosnia.
Covid vaccination – 19 in Bosnia.

Photo: ELVIS BARUKCIC / AFP / Getty Images

Sandra Mendoza

Given the increase in infections and greater mobility restrictions for those who have not been vaccinated, some skeptics of immunizations are changing their minds; The phenomenon is at least seen in Eastern Europe, where they are choosing to be vaccinated.

The Associated Press cites the case of Feta Keco, who received the vaccine in the Bosnian capital, despite his fear of possible adverse effects. However, she only reported “moderately uncomfortable” pain in the area where she received the injection.

She heard many statements that she already dismissed.

“Now me I feel relieved that I have done something to protect my health after putting it in danger for a long time. Also, I like that it will make my life easier if I decide to travel abroad ”, she celebrates.

She is not the only one, not only in Sarajevo, you have decided to change your mind. At least in recent days, the authorities of the Bosnian capital had to expand their efforts to apply vaccines, after breaking the obstacles of mistrust and misinformation.

Nurses even came to shopping centers, so that easy access to the drug also plays in persuading citizens.

“The numbers they don’t lie; the statistics are clear: between 92% and 94% of our people who died in the third and (current) fourth wave of covid – 19 did not were vaccinated, ”said Haris Vranic, Sarajevo’s top health official.

Meanwhile, in Romania, the vaccination rate was around the 28% until mid-October. Corpse figures littered hospital corridors, prompting stricter measures to combat the spread of covid – 12.

And together with these measures, the fear of getting infected and dying has led rates above 40% for him 10 from December. In Croatia, the vaccination rate has been increasing each week by more than 1.2%, and has already reached 55%.