Saturday, July 6

Governor Gavin Newsom Proposes Spending Over $ 300 Million To Fight Crime In California

Fuerzas del orden en San Francisco, California, en alerta máxima por ola de robos.
Law enforcement agencies in San Francisco, California, on high alert due to a wave of robberies.

Photo: JOSH EDELSON / AFP / Getty Images

Maria Ortiz

Governor Gavin Newsom announced on Friday the new “Plan of real public security ”for law enforcement agencies and prosecutors to crack down on organized crime networks believed to be largely responsible for the wave of violent crimes in California , especially the robberies carried out by groups of individuals, sometimes armed , against businesses and individuals.

The Governor announced that $ will be allocated ) millions of dollars in competitive law enforcement grants, to be awarded to local law enforcement agencies and district attorneys to prosecute organized retail crimes, such as the recent series of violent armed robberies.

Attorney General Rob Bonta is establishing do an investigation and prosecution team that will be fully dedicated to retail theft.

Newsom also pledged to provide more support to the California Highway Patrol (CHP) in tackling violent crime and crushing and catching thieves.

The governor is responding to a recent series of large-scale robberies in Californ ia and throughout the country in which groups of people rob in mass in stores or destroy and grab from showcases. Individual criminals have also been a growing problem for retailers, who say thieves face little consequence.

Newsom contends that its reform efforts criminal justice systems are effective and he promised that the proposed budget he sends to state legislators next month “will significantly increase our efforts to go after these groups of retail thieves.”

Attorney General Rob Bonta , appointed by Newsom and who has promoted his own progressive reforms, separately made similar and harsh comments on crime.

All families in all neighborhoods in California deserve to feel safe and secure while living, working and playing in their communities ”

Rob Bonta, California Attorney General

For Newsom, l he growing concern about crime could turn into a political vulnerability in his reelection campaign for 2022. But so far, no major rival, Republican or Democratic, threatens Newsom’s prospects for a second term.

On Friday, Newsom also defended his decision to try to eliminate illegal ghost weapons and assault rifles in California through new legislation inspired by a Texas law that bans most abortions.

Newsom said Friday that its proposed budget will also include $ 25 million dollars for a state gun buyback program and $ 20 millions to increase drug interdiction efforts on the US-Mexico border.

It may interest you:

– Gavin Newsom v. Supreme Court: Says California will ban assault weapons like Texas bans abortion

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