Thursday, October 3

“There will be no impunity for anyone,” says AMLO after a reward offered by the US for the children of “El Chapo”

After it was announced that the United States government offered a reward of $ 5 million dollars for the capture of each of the four children of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that “there will be no impunity for anyone” in the face of possible arrests .

When questioned whether the arrest of Ovidio Guzmán, one of the four sons of the former leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, it would be a priority for his government, the Mexican president answered yes.

After the ‘Culiacanazo’, the arrest of Would Ovidio Guzmán be a priority for his government? “, asked a reporter at the morning conference, to which López Obrador replied:” Yes, everyone, there is no impunity for anyone and there is no As it was before, two extremes that were presented, one the criminal association between organized crime and the authorities , the most representative case is that of García Luna, how the authority in charge, Responsible for combating crime is associated with one of the groups, throughout the six-year term, and it was not just any official, it was neither more nor less the Secretary of Public Security, nor any secretary of Public Security, a man with a lot of influence, that It is an extreme ”, commented the Mexican president.

From the National Palace, Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that the authority Mexicans will be responsible for the possible arrest in Mexico of the four children of “El Chapo” (Ovidio Guzmán López, Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar, Jesús Alfredo Guzmán Salazar and Joaquín Guzmán López) and reiterated that no foreign force will be allowed to act in Mexican territory.

If they are in national territory, it is up to our authority to stop them , no foreign force is allowed to act in this matter or in any in our territory, we are the ones who have to do our work of ac In accordance with the investigations that are being carried out in Mexico, ”he stated

Foreign agents were allowed to intervene in operations in our country, such as the case of violation of our sovereignty When they launch the Fast and Furious operation, which introduces weapons to Mexico, the US government and the Mexican government allows it and those weapons are used to commit homicides of nationals and foreigners, that is a flagrant violation of our sovereignty that we cannot allow this under any circumstances, “he said.

The Tabasco president clarified again that after the so-called ‘Culiacanazo’, known as failed operation that occurred in October 2019 where Ovidio Guzmán was detained and later released , he was the one who ordered that operation be stopped and that It will be “the story” that will tell if he did the right thing .

“Was there ever a claim from former President Trump for this release? ion of Ovidio? “, a reporter asked again, to which the president replied:” No, that was a very special circumstance, it is an operation that is not executed well, it is carried out at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, with very few personnel, without supporting those who went to the arrest, then a very strong reaction of crime comes, they arrest civilians, they detain the military, they attack, there are attacks on housing units of the armed forces, they entrench themselves with high-caliber weapons , there was going to be a confrontation with many deaths and it was decided to stop the operation, that is what happened, we did not want more people to lose their lives, at that time there was an estimate that there could be more than 200 dead, and we made the decision to stop the operation, if we did well we did wrong and history will tell, I was the one who made the decision to stop the operation ”, mentioned the Tabasco president.

“During the government of President Trump, when o There was this Sinaloa affair and when the unfortunate murder of children and women in Bavispe occurred, there was an offer that they could send forces to capture those responsible or this son of Guzmán Loera and those responsible for Bavispe and We do not allow it, we took care of it ourselves and it is our responsibility, as soon as we keep that in mind and of course the United States government has all its right to act, and I repeat, it is a serious matter ”, he said.

In his morning conference, López Obrador, said that the reward released by the United States is in response to There is concern about the death of many Americans from the consumption of synthetic drugs.

“This is what we already reported yesterday that we were going to make this government resolution known of the United States, considering these people as criminals for the United States government and setting rewards, is a list of alleged criminals of the sale, drug trafficking, in this case what has to do with synthetic drugs , with fentanyl, there is a concern of the United States Government because many Americans have lost their lives, more than 100 thousand for the consumption of these drugs that are very dangerous and that is why they made that decision, there has not been more than that ”, he said.

“Because what has been happening in recent times is that marijuana, even in the United States, most of the country is legalized, the same poppy, I mean that it has stopped being consumed, it does not have the same market In the United States and chemical drugs have been predominant, fentanyl, which are at the same time very destructive, harmful, we have permanent campaigns so that young people do not use drugs and we are concerned about what of these chemical drugs because they destroy people in a very short time ”, he explained.

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