Wednesday, October 2

Laughter banned in North Korea for 11 days to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of former leader Kim Jong Il

Kim Jong Il gobernó Corea del Norte desde 1994 hasta su muerte en 2011, y luego fue sucedido por su tercer y menor hijo, el actual líder Kim Jong Un.
Kim Jong Il ruled North Korea since 1994 until his death in 2011, and then he was succeeded by his third and youngest son, the current leader Kim Jong Un.

Photo: KIM WON-JIN / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: The Opinion

North Koreans have been prohibited from laughing or drinking for 11 days to commemorate the tenth death anniversary of former leader Kim Jong Il .

Government authorities have ordered the public not to show any signs of happiness as North Korea commemorates his death.

Kim Jong Il ruled North Korea since 1994 until his death in 2011 , and then he was succeeded by his third and youngest son, the current leader Kim Jong Un.

Now, Ten years after his death, North Koreans are forced to observe the mourning period of 11 days when they are not allowed to laugh or drink alcohol.

“During the period of mourning , no we should drink alcohol, laugh or participate in leisure activities, ”a North Korean from the northeastern border town of Sinuiju told Radio Free Asia (RFA).

The source added that North Koreans are not allowed to go shopping on 17 December, the anniversary of Kim Jong Il’s death.

“In the past, many people who were caught drinking or intoxicated during the period of mourning, they were arrested and treated as ideological criminals. They were taken away and never seen again.

“Even if your family member dies during the grieving period, they are not allowed to cry out loud and the body should be pulled out after you finish. People can’t even celebrate their own birthday if it falls within the period of mourning. ”

Kim Jong Il died of a heart attack on 17 from December to 2011 at the age of 69 years after ruling the country for 17 years in a brutal dictatorship and repressive.

While the mourning period that is celebrated every year for Kim Jong Il is usually 10 days, this year will be 11 days to commemorate the tenth anniversary of his death.

Another source, a resident of southwestern Hwanghae province, reported that police officers were told to keep an eye out for people who did not look properly upset during the grieving period.

They told RFA: “From and On the first day of December, they will have a special duty to repress those who damage the mood of collective mourning.

”It is a one-month special duty for the police. I heard that law enforcement officials cannot sleep at all. ”

The source also added that groups of citizens and State companies that take care of people living in poverty during the period of mourning, while the country faces a food crisis.

guarantee social order and security, so companies are responsible for collecting food to deliver to residents and employees who cannot come to work due to food shortages. ”

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