Monday, September 30

Earn $ 50,000 a week selling your flatulence in mason jars

There is no doubt that the Internet and social networks will never cease to amaze us, and even more so when we learn of cases like this where a woman claims to earn more than $ 50, 000 dollars a week doing something unusual … and extremely unpleasant.

Stephanie Matto, is an actress and influencer who in recent weeks gained a lot of popularity after having participated in a reality show on an American television, the which boasted in his social networks how won $ 50, 000 In just 7 days with an idea that she considers “fantastic.”

It turns out that Matto came up with selling his flatulence in jars of glass. What do you do to produce them and be able to market them? Eating a diet rich in protein, yogurt, eggs, and smoothies that make your body produce a lot of gas.

The influencer has been dedicated for some time to creating exclusive content for adults and ensures that she started this new business after understanding that the market for buying and selling on the web is extremely extensive and quite particular, so by way of game and to generate controversy he decided to put his flatulence up for sale to see what reaction it generated.

“Over the years, I have received some messages from men and women who want to buy my bras , panties, hair, bath water … used. I thought that selling my farts would be a fun advertising move that would attract the attention of many people, “said Matto, which led him to think about his” revolutionary business “of this sale on the Internet.

The popularity of Matto’s product is so great that his followers are already asking him to do tutorials on the process to pack their gases and sell them for thousands of dollars on the internet.

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