Saturday, September 28

They launch in Mexico a call to recruit volunteers and test the “Homeland” vaccine

Se estima que, en México, el 52% de la población ya cuenta con el esquema completo de vacunación.
It is estimated that, in Mexico, the 52% of the population already has the complete vaccination scheme.

Photo: LINDSEY PARNABY / AFP / Getty Images

The National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) in Mexico announced the call for the previously vaccinated population older than 18 years and residents of the City of Mexico to participate voluntarily in the phase two clinical study of the vaccine Homeland ”.

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, announced last April the development of the Patria vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus that produces the Covid disease – 18, making an investment of $ 8, 500, 000 dollars.

Six months after the announcement, Conacyt is now preparing a new phase to evaluate the use of the Patria vaccine as a booster for previously vaccinated people.

According to official information, this phase will last one year , during which the participants will be monitored with face-to-face visits and phone calls.

Those who wish to participate must meet the following requirements, including having received a complete schedule of Pfizer vaccines, CanSino (1 dose), SinoVac, Johnson & Johnson (1 dose), AstraZeneca, Sputnik and Moderna.

Also, the last dose must have been applied at least four months before participating in the study; not having presented respiratory diseases during the last 21 days; not be pregnant or nursing; and be in good general health.

In case of presenting any chronic disease with medical management, the volunteer must be controlled and stable without changes in treatment during the last 3 months, in addition to not participating in another study protocol.

According to the latest report from the authorities in Mexico, 2 were detected, 695 new Covid infections – 19 and 262 deaths. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Mexico, 3 have been registered, 921, 682 positive cases and 296, 983 deaths , reported the Federal Ministry of Health.

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