Wednesday, July 3

Telemundo presenter confirms that she has COVID-19

AnaJurka. Foto: Latin Iconos
AnaJurka. Photo: Latin Icons

Photo: Latin Icons / Courtesy

Mandy Fridmann

The dear Ana Jurka, presenter of Telemundo confirms that she has COVID – 19 … The host of ‘En Casa con Telemundo’, her husband, and their children are going through attacks of the coronavirus.

Through a video that Ana Jurka herself uploaded to her Instagram account, the journalist confirms that both she and her family tested positive .

The sports journalist and presenter said that she had been on vacation for a few days, and when she showed up to work at Telemundo, they gave her a test before entering who tested positive so they sent her home again.

I’m locked at home with COVID, it hit me like a flu, some sore throat and headache that comes and goes, chills … Uncomfortable symptoms more than anything. I feel good inside everything, just something obvious down, but with enough energy to continue caring for my family.

The children are a bit brainy but Glory to God with the energy of a day of sweets, playing super happy . My husband somewhat weak but as always being our rock . The doctor asked us to rest as much as possible, we are checking our oxygen and temperature, and we taking plenty of fluids, vitamin C and Zinc . We hope God will get out of this soon, for now we are together and calm. It is the most important thing. I send you a huge hug and kiss, one of those who come without COVID for the record Stay safe people! I love you!

Ps. The darkness is the best to improve the headache and if you accompany it with tea and a nice classic Christmas movie with your family, better. Just tell Noah that this is not a party, “Jurka wrote next to the video.”

As she explains in the video that we share with you at the end of the article, both she and her husband are vaccinated, so they believe that thanks to that, for now, the symptoms are of a strong flu .

Ana Jurka took the opportunity to advise everyone not to stop caring, that wear your masks, keep your distance, get vaccinated and disinfected .

For the moment the journalist would be the only one infected, but remember that she herself explains that she was on vacation and when she tried to return to her work is that she discovered, through a test that Telemundo did , which was positive for the virus.



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