Friday, September 20

Photos: “Friends” took drugs, argued, fought and one ended up stabbed

Four young women who were allegedly taking drugs , began to argue and went from words to blows and one of them ended up stabbed in the center of Mexico City.

The altercation occurred in the neighborhood Venustiano Carranza City Hall where The women identified as Jeny López, Laura López, Marlén Trujillo and Yajaira “N” , were allegedly using drugs.


This is how Yajaira C was injured.

He was taking drugs in Col Centro with

Jeny López

Laura López

Marlén Trujillo

They started arguing and then they stabbed her.

Agents of @SSC_CDMX Sector Centro, they caught them.

They ended up in @FiscaliaCDMX tZRWkf

– Carlos Jiménez (@ c4jimenez) December 04, 2021

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Per or what at first was a “normal” coexistence, ended in an argument between the ladies, and then things got out of control and one of them stabbed the young woman identified as Yajaira “N” at the height of the upper back.

In response to this, witnesses called the local police and authorities of the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City (SSC-CDMX) Center sector went to the place and detained them.

Yajaira “N” was treated by paramedics while the other three girls were handcuffed.

Jeny López, Laura López, Marlén Trujillo and Yajaira “N” ended up at the facilities of the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJ CDMX) where authorities will determine responsibilities of what happened, reported the journalist Carlos Jiménez.

It was not communicated what the four or women but at least an investigation will be opened for the aggression against one of them.

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