Friday, September 20

VIDEO: They accuse the Mexican army for the death of innocents in an operation that left 12 victims

Actualmente, el gobierno de México tiene en el ejército su principal aliado en la estrategia de seguridad.
Currently, the Mexican government has its main ally in its security strategy in the army.

Photo: ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP / Getty Images

More than a year after the confrontation that occurred in July of 2020, in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, on the border with the United States, the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) denounced the “excessive use of force” during a military operation that left 12 dead s.

The agency warned that, among the victims of the confrontation, which occurred in July 2020, there were three people who were reported missing, who were possibly captive and unarmed.

“Kill him, kill him”

On July 3, the military and alleged criminals clashed in Nuevo Laredo. Now it is known, thanks to the Sedena video, that in that operation there may have been abuse of force by elements of the National Defense # / W6wOUhUc 76

– Denise Maerker (@DeniseMaerker) August 25, 2020

The resolution accuses the violation of the human rights of the three victims, as well as the head of the Tamaulipas Attorney General’s Office (FGJ), Irving Barrios, for not “adequately” investigating the facts.

The violation of the human right to life was accredited, due to excessive use of force , attributable to military personnel; as well as the violation of the right of access to justice, in its form of improper prosecution of justice, by public servants of the State Prosecutor’s Office ”, indicated the CNDH.

Despite the fact that the Secretary of National Defense alleged that the soldiers repelled the attack by civilians, the CNDH argued that “ Although the military agents were attacked, this body found that they did not weigh the differentiated use of force and put people who were not involved in the confrontation at risk of losing their lives, as was the case of the three victims ”.

In December 2018, Andrés Manuel López Obrador came to the presidency with the promise of reducing insecurity rates with a new strategy. However, so far during his government, several attacks have occurred in various regions of the country, with scores of dozens of fatalities, in addition, different organizations have criticized the role of the army in police and civilian tasks.

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