Tuesday, July 2

Pope Francis sends his condolences for the victims of the US tornadoes.

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Pope Francis asks “Almighty God grant eternal peace to those who have died” by tornadoes.

Photo: ALBERTO PIZZOLI / AFP / Getty Images


For: EFE

Pope Francis sent a telegram of condolences for the victims of the latest tornadoes in the United States that has left dozens of deaths and enormous devastation and thanked the rescuers for their work.

In the message transmitted, on behalf of the pontiff, by Secretary of State Pietro Parolin to the Archbishop of Los Angeles and president of the United States Episcopal Conference, José H. Gómez, he says he is “saddened to learn of the devastating impact tornadoes that have struck the central and southern United States in recent days. ”

Offers “sincere prayers that Almighty God may grant eternal peace to those who have died, consolation to those who mourn his loss and strength to all those affected by this terrible tragedy. ”

He also appreciates “the tireless efforts of the rescuers and of all those involved in caring for the wounded, mourning families and the helpless ”and“ invokes for all those who are engaged in the great work of recovery and reconstruction the Lord’s gifts of strength and generous perseverance in the service of his brothers. ”

The most intense series of tornadoes in memory struck in the early hours of Saturday six US states and left dozens of deaths and an undetermined number of missing, in addition to a wake devastation that has washed away entire populations and caused untold damage.

The storm, which began on Friday night, struck with force Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and Tennessee and, according to the National Weather Service (NWS, in English), reports were received of 37 tornadoes in different states.

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