Sunday, December 22

Angry driver shoots and kills Arizona Hispanic woman in road rage incident

El coche destrozado de Montes se detuvo a lo largo de la pared a lo largo del arcén de la autopista Pima.
Montes’s wrecked car pulled up along the wall along the shoulder of the Pima Highway.

Photo: Jill Torrance / Getty Images

La Opinión

For: The Opinion

Stella Montes, from 14 years, received a dis stoppage from another motorist, causing her to hit a wall with your vehicle and colliding with a sign, as reported by the site

Later died in hospital .

A woman, who lives near the scene, told the media that she heard how 10 shots.

“I felt my whole house vibrate when the truck hit the wall,” he said Brooke Raspa.

Montes’s wrecked car pulled up along the wall along the shoulder of the Pima Highway.

Raspa said he heard screams for help. It turned out to be the victim’s daughter.

“We went up the hill and the lady was stuck in the vehicle and we were trying to get her out and a police officer He showed up and told us to get out of the way and he started CPR right away.

“She didn’t respond from the beginning.”

Montes’s daughter told Raspa that the incident was due to aggressive driving , according to the article.

” (Montes) honked the horn (to the other driver) to move , not realizing there was no turn in the red light, then decided to go around it (to the other vehicle) and that apparently infuriated him . So he passed in front of her and probably emptied a full magazine “, said Raspa, explaining the passenger’s account.

The police had no information about the alleged murderer, who was still at large, According to the report.

Raspa said he could not understand the shooter’s motivation. “You have to be a very angry person to have the mentality of… killing this person because they surrounded me,” Raspa said. “I mean, who does that? And taking someone’s life for that is very sad for me. ”

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