Friday, September 27

With hope and surrounded by love: this was the last moments of Carmen Salinas' life

On the night of December 9, the whole world was shocked by the news of the death of Carmen Salinas , after a long hospital stay resulting from a stroke. Just a few hours after the unfortunate event, the actress’s relatives have broken the silence and revealed how they lived the last moments before the famous left this world.

With extreme pain, the family of the producer of “Aventurera” shared the sad news with their followers, a fact that immediately caused a stir and generated intrigue about how the last moments of life of the famous one developed.

According to the actress’s daughter, Maru Plascencia, Carmen Salinas had several achievements that augured her recovery, because “she opened her eyes, her pupil dilated, she had reflections” , something that, contrary to what they thought, became the beginning of the end.

Regarding his last visit to his mother, he indicated that he visited her shortly before 23: 00 hours due to a call that she received from her niece to notify her that her pressure had been lowered.

This caused the immediate mobilization of the young woman, who faced with the outlook of Doña Carmelita did not hesitate to share her love and tell her not to worry if she wanted to rest and go to accompany her relatives to heaven , referring to the actress’s brother and her son Pedro Plascencia.

It was a few minutes after leaving the room that the medical staff approached him and gave him the bad news: “Death was surprised, before 11. I went to see her before because my niece Carmen called me, to go see her, because her pressure had dropped, I went to see her and she did look very bad “, he said.

“I began to tell him not to worry that we were going to be fine, that he wanted to rest, that he did it, that he not worry about us that he left with my uncle Chatito, my little brother Pedro. We left and we were about to leave and they gave us the bad news “, declared Carmen Salinas’ daughter.

Despite having resorted to the Instagram account to reveal the death of the famous, the details of her funeral service are still unknown. However, it is expected that due to his artistic career a tribute will be made that will have the presence of several artists .

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