Saturday, September 28

How common is each zodiac sign among the United States population

Los signos más comunes son Escorpio y Virgo, mientras que Acuario y Leo los menos comunes.
The most common signs are Scorpio and Virgo, while Aquarius and Leo are the least common.

Photo: mikhail nilov / Pexels

If you are a Scorpio it is likely that you know someone who is also So is the most common zodiac sign in the United States population . In contrast, if you are an Aquarius it could be rare that you share birthdays with someone close to being the least common sign.

A study carried out by was in charge of developing a ranking of the common plus and minus signs in Americans and the results They are interesting.

They explained that in statistics there is a phenomenon known as “birthday paradox” which is explained as the probability that two people share date of birth.

Studies have found that if you place 80 Random people in a room there is a 99. 9% probability that at least two share birthdays. The odds increase to 100% if the number of people is raises to 800. As a result of this explanation, they said that although the most common month to be born is September, it does not translate into the most common zodiac sign .

Then the ranking of the most and least common zodiac signs in the United States .

one. Scorpio

According to research, those born between 23 October and 21 November accounts for 9.6% of the US population.

two. Virgo

In second place, those who were born between the 23 August and 22 of September, constituting 9.4% of the population.

3. Gemini

If you were born between 21 May and 20 of June you represent 9.3% of the population and the third most common zodiac sign.

4. Pisces

Those born of 19 February to 20 of March are approximately 9.1% of the population. Pisces are more frequent than we think.

5. Libra

With 8.8% of the population, those born of 23 September to 22 in October occupy the fifth position in the ranking.

6. Cancer

Those born of 21 June to 22 of July represent the sixth most frequent seat with 8.5% of the population.

7. Taurus

The less common signs begin from this site. Those born between 20 April and 20 May are represented by 8.3% of the population.

8. Capricorn

Those born of 22 December to 19 of January, which covers the Christmas season, are in eighth place with 8.2% of the population.

9. Aries

In ninth place among the most and least common signs are those born of 21 March to 19 April with 8.1% of the US population .

10. Sagittarius

Those born of 22 November to 21 in December occupy the tenth position with 7.3% of the population.

12. Leo

Who were born from 23 July to 22 August represent one of the less common signs of the zodiac. They barely represent 7.1% of the population.

12. Aquarium

Those born of 20 from January to 18 February belong to the least common sign of the zodiac with 6.3% of the population.

It may interest you: According to Americans, these are the most and less desired in a date