Sunday, September 22

VIDEO: Yalitza Aparicio makes her theater debut at the National Auditorium of Mexico

The Mexican actress, Yalitza Aparicio , has just given a great surprise to his fans because it gave a turn to his career since now he left the cinema for a moment to venture into nothing more and nothing less than the theater.

And it is through her social networks that the Oscar nominee made it clear in her various accounts that she hopes to repeat the experience, because this week the Oaxacan made her theater debut, where she had the opportunity to show off her roots indigenous people and share with young artists and children.

The Secretariat of Culture of Mexico held this week the event “I have a dream” in the National Auditorium , where the work that children and young people of 31 states of the country in the Creative Seedbeds of Community Culture, a program that seeks to promote creativity in this sector of the population.

What’s more, the protagonist of “Roma”, other artists such as the singer Eugenia León, the musician Fernando Rivera Calderón, the tenor Javier Camarena, the rapper Juan Sant, and the one known as “La Soprano Mixe” María Reyna participated in the culture show.

One of the great surprises of the multidisciplinary show was the participation of Yalitza Aparicio with the children and young artists, with whom she had her great debut in theater, presenting the play “El coyote y la iguana” , same in which he boasted his roots by wearing a huipil, and also by being able to tell about his native community, Tlaxico, Oaxaca.

With the National Auditorium at almost 40 percent of its capacity, the second version of the show “I have a dream” , which sought to highlight the defense of native languages ​​and the indigenous condition, the exaltation of multicultural wealth Mexican ural and pay tribute to the people who have died during the Covid pandemic – 19.

The presentation was made up of musical, theatrical, dance and literary pieces. In total, said the agency, more than a thousand 950 children and young people, from 129 Creative seedbeds from all over the country, who also contributed to the development of the projected scenography and audiovisuals.

On her Instagram account, the actress and model of 27 years, wrote: “Thank you very much for all this experience, for your patience and especially for the help you gave me. Hopefully it will be repeated. My first time in theater ”, publication that has received dozens of comments and more than 10 thousand “likes”.

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