Friday, September 20

They warn of the presence of invasive lizards in Florida that “eat absolutely everything”

El lagarto tegu se ha convertido en una amenaza en Florida.
The tegu lizard has become a threat in Florida.

Photo: Wikimedia / Creative Commons

Antoni Belchi

Florida authorities have warned of the presence of a lizard of the species tegu that has been expanding into the subtropical climate of virtually the entire state. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has planned an emergency meeting with federal officials, landowners and university researchers to address this situation and discuss the reduction of the population of these reptiles.

One of the biggest worries tions is the appetite of the tegu for eggs, whether they are sea turtles, crocodiles, alligators, land turtles or birds.

An analysis of the stomach contents of 124 lizards of this type discovered frogs, toads, lizards, snakes, turtles and small mammals . Endangered baby turtle hatchlings were found in the intestines of five tegus from Florida Central.