Saturday, September 21

Mexico remains the main commercial partner of the United States, but Canada fights

México se mantiene como el mayor socio comercial de Estados Unidos.
Mexico remains the largest trading partner of the United States.

Photo: PAUL J. RICHARDS / AFP / Getty Images

Alexa Liendo

For the United States, Mexico continues to be the main trading partner, according to the most recent data from the US Census Bureau in the accumulated period between the months of January and October of 2021.

In what represents the trade flow between the three countries: United States, Mexico and Canada, These last two maintain fair competition to appear in the US market.

The flows of both countries represented the 14. 5% of total trade with the United States. But the first place is still for the Aztec country, while Canada is time you almost won first place by a fairly small margin.

Total trade between Mexico and the United States the first 10 months of the year 2021 reached an amount of $ 545 billion of dollars and Canada achieved a commercial exchange in these ten months of $ 542 billion dollars.

Additional to this , Mexico achieved a surplus of $ 88,214 millions of dollars. Imports between Mexico and the United States reached a total of $ 228, 629 million dollars, while exports achieved an amount of $ 316, 843 millions of dollars.

In this sense, the Mexican Secretary of the Economy, Tatiana Clothier, remarked that maintaining itself as the main commercial partner of the United States is the reason why Mexico is against the discriminatory tax credit that “threatens competitiveness region of”.

During the first 10 months of 2021 we keep us as the main uS trading partner so we are against credit discriminatory tax that threatens the competitiveness of the region. Let’s go for a quality economic recovery for North America!

– Tatiana Clouthier (@tatclouthier) December 7, 2021

It should be noted that in the third place in the country with good trade with the United States, is China whose exchange increased from 13. 9% to 14. 1% between September and October.

The rank of the largest buyer of American products is for the northernmost country, Canada . While China continues to be the country that sells the most to the United States.

But the competition remains open and both Mexico and Canada continue to have competition. For the month of October, China became the largest US trading partner with a share of 15. 6% of total trade.

You have to note that, during the pandemic, in the last quarter of 2020 China managed to dethrone Mexico as the main trading partner of the United States. The time before China achieved this record in the last quarter of 2018.

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