Saturday, September 21

Europe recovers strict measures in the face of the increase in cases by Ómicron

Europe began to take precautionary measures this Wednesday against the spread of the new Omicron variant, given the possibility that this strain of the virus is more infectious and resists the protection of vaccines.

The restrictions – so far only imposed by the UK and Denmark – take place because scientists are still studying their possible impacts.

Ómicron was first identified at the end of November in South Africa. Following the announcement, countries around the world adopted travel bans for various nations on the African continent.

However, the coronavirus had gained ground and was in almost a dozen countries when the border closures were announced.

Almost on par with the closures, the 26 November, the World Organization Health declared the variant as one of concern.

What are the new measures in England?

The most significant measure announced by the English authorities is that next Monday, 13 December will return remote work.

Boris Johnson, primer ministro de Reino Unido
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson indicated that employers will have the rest of the week to do what s necessary arrangements with your workers before the new modality.

¨From Monday, you must work from home if you can, attend work if required, but work from home if possible. I know this will be difficult for many people, but by reducing your contacts at work you will help reduce transmission ”, said Johnson.

As of December 8, the United Kingdom reported 51, 342 New Positive Covid Cases – 19. In the past seven days add 339, 861, which shows an increase of 30, 609 compared to the previous seven days.

Others provisions

  • From Friday 10 December facemasks will be required for most public indoor activities. This includes places of worship, theaters and cinemas, as well as shops and public transportation.
  • Face masks will not be necessary in spaces related to hotels, such as pubs, restaurants and other places where it is not “practical” to use them (for example, where you exercise or sing).
Hombre camina cerca de unas luces de Navidad
Denmark also urged its population to avoid Christmas encounters.
  • Since Wednesday 15 December (subject to Parliament’s approval) the population must submit a rapid test for Covid – 19 refusal or your vaccination pass on the NHS app to attend nightclubs, indoor events with more than 500 people, event os outdoors with more than 4, 10 people, any activity with more than 10, 000 persons

What about Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland?

In Wales, vaccination passes are required for most events held indoors. The government of this region of Great Britain already had a requirement to wear face masks in shops, hospitals and public transport. He also urged his workers to stay home if possible.

Meanwhile, in Northern Ireland there is a limit of 30 people for group activities. Masks are also mandatory in closed places, as well as vaccination passports.

On the other hand, in Scotland the rules of social distancing in hospital settings are maintained. In this region, you should request the contact information of those who participate in indoor activities related to the hospital industry.

Mette Frederiksen, primera ministra de Dinamarca
Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark.

What are the new measures in Denmark ?

Given the rapid spread of the new variant, Denmark made the decision to advance the holiday period in primary schools, which will be closed from 15 from December to January 4.

Your government wants to vaccinate minors between the ages of 5 to 11 years before the school year returns in January.

Menor siendo vacunado en Dinamarca
Denmark anticipated the children’s preschool holidays with the intention of vaccinating them.

“This is not a closing of the company, it is a package of measures to save time. We are better than a year ago because vaccines work, “said Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

Other provisions

  • Restaurants and bars will close at midnight from Friday 000 December.
  • After midnight the sale of alcohol is also prohibited in shops and discos.
  • Concerts in which there are more than standing people.
  • The government urged the population to suspend Christmas dinners and to work remotely as much as possible.
  • The Nordic country registered this Wednesday 6, 629 new cases, a record number in the entire pandemic. According to the Efe agency, hospital admissions have multiplied by five in the last two months, although they are less than half the peak reached in January.

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