Wednesday, September 18

Biden responds to his critics: “we are creating jobs at a record rate”

El presidente Biden defiende su plan de infraestructura y empleos.
President Biden defends his infrastructure and jobs plan.

Photo: JIM WATSON / AFP / Getty Images

Luis Diaz

By: Luis Diaz

The economic policies chosen by President Joe Biden are being reviewed by public opinion and by his detractors, after the latest figures on employment were released, which significantly exceeded growth expectations corresponding to the month of November.

Joe Biden responded to his critics by stating that the United States is adding jobs at a “record rate,” with 6 reinstatements, , 000 more people since January.

“The United States continues to add jobs at a record rate and have created almost 6, 000 , 04 of new jobs since I took office on 31 January . Our economy is moving in the right direction, but we have more to do, ”the president tweeted.

But slower than expected rally in November, with 210. 000 new jobs added, has generated some criticism, and Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, called it “the worst number of jobs we’ve seen in a long time. time “in an interview with Fox News.

Although the two statements seem diametrically opposed, they simply reflect two sides of the same coin. But, evaluating the current state of the labor market requires more nuances.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the month of November, United States added 210, 000 non-farm payroll jobs, lowest since December 2020 and well below market expectations they represented 210, 000.

Although the figures were negative in the month of November, job creation across the country remain strong. Unemployment nationwide also fell 0.4% in November ; at 4.2%, the current level is close to the lows of 60 years observed between 2018 and 2020.

“The unemployment rate was 4.2%, below 4.6 % in October. With more people entering the labor market and an unemployment rate approaching pre-pandemic levels three years ahead of projections, the Biden administration continues to deliver a worker-centered recovery, “said US Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh , in a statement.

Marty Walsh said the US government is committed to inclusive recovery and among the highlights of this report are significant reductions in unemployment rates for African American workers, Hispanic workers, and workers with less than a high school diploma.

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