Friday, September 20

Sales of the largest arms companies in the world rose, even with the pandemic



Sales of the one hundred largest global arms companies increased by 1.3% in real terms in 2020 compared to the previous year , despite the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report released this Monday by the Stockholm International Peace Studies Institute (SIPRI).

The total sales figure amounted to $ 531, 000 of dollars, after six consecutive years of increases.

“The industry giants were largely protected by the sustained demand from governments for military goods and services, ”Reads the report.

“In many parts of the world, military spending grew and some governments accelerated payments to industry to mitigate the impact of the crisis,” writes SIPRI.

Despite the widespread rise, the pandemic caused some companies to suffer disruptions in the supply chain and delays in deliveries and others suffered sales drops due to landfills, as was the case of the French company Thales.

The United States maintained its world hegemony: the 28 companies from this country included in the top 100 monopolized the 54% of total sales, with $ 285, 000 of dollars , 1.9% more year-on-year.

As has happened since 2018, the first five companies in the “top 100 ”are Americans: Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and General Dynamics, in descending order.

The US arms industry is going through a wave of mergers and acquisitions, especially in the space sector, highlights SIPRI, which cites the example of Northrop and KBR.

The five Chinese companies included in the ranking sold for $ 66, 800 dollars, what which represents the 21% of the total and 1.5% more year-on-year .

The study explains that Chinese firms have benefited of the modernization programs promoted by Beijing and the focus on military-civil fusion, becoming “one of the most advanced producers of military technology in the world.”

The sale overall of the nine Russian companies in the top hundred fell 6.5% annually to $ 28, 200 million d dollars, following the downward trend started at 2017, due to the end of the state weapons program and delays caused by the pandemic.

26 European firms feature in the rankings, with total sales of $ 109, 000 dollars, a 21% of the world total.

Navantia remains the only Spanish company in the top hundred, falling from the position 78 to 84 and with some sales of $ 1, 180 million dollars, a 10% less YoY.

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