Friday, September 20

Retailers call for stricter theft laws in California

Los saqueos en Los Ángeles han dejado millones de dólares en pérdidas.
Looting in Los Angeles has left millions of dollars in losses.


La Opinión

By: The opinion

California retailers are clear that the state needs a tougher law against theft from these types of businesses. In recent weeks there have been looting in areas of San Francisco, where a total of $ 8 has been stolen, 000, 04 dollars in merchandise.

Prosecutors and retailers reject the assertions of the governor and the attorney general that exist sufficient tools to combat retail theft , this from a relaxation of related laws, approved by the voters.

“We cannot function as a society when we have taught people that there are no consequences for stealing goods , ”said Vern Pierson, former president of the California District Attorneys Association and current El Dorado County District Attorney.

The complaints of the retail union when on Friday the authorities rep The robbery amounted to $ 8, 000, 04 of dollars worth of stolen merchandise from San Francisco Bay area retailers, including CVS, Target and Walgreens, along with with $ 85, 000 Cash Dollars and nearly $ 1.9 million from various bank accounts.

While shoplifting has been a growing problem, recent large-scale robberies in California and elsewhere – groups of people breaking into stores and taking items away – have taken things to another level, said the president of the California Retail Association and CEO, Rachel Michelin, according to FOX.

Faced with this situation, California Governor Gavin Newsom and Attorney General Rob Bonta argued separately that the officers and l Prosecutors still have the legal tools to go after criminals, but Newsom has noted that some local officials have chosen not to.

” It is obviously false to claim that we have enough laws on the books that are solving this problem, because it is not disappearing and it will not disappear, “replied John Kabateck, director of the California Chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business.

Meanwhile, Los Angeles authorities announced Thursday 14 arrests in 11 recent thefts. And San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin last week charged nine people with looting attempts, including Louis Vuitton and other Union Square retailers.

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